Train a Dog to Give You Its Paw

The trick of a dog offering you its paw is a simple yet very entertaining one. It won't take long for you to teach this trick to your dog but it should only be taught in short bursts, over a few days. Eventually your dog will be able to give you its paw and then even shake paw-to-hand with you.


  1. Get your dog's bag of usual treats. Set aside 3 to 5 minutes of training time.
    • Small, easy to eat treats are best. "Train Me!" treats that are small enough to be given several times. However, any treats will do, for teaching the dog, so long as the dog is motivated to eat.
  2. Sit your dog down somewhere where there are few or no distractions. This will help your dog to focus.
  3. Clearly state "Paw" or "Give me your paw." This is the call that will be used every time you want your dog to give you his or her paw.
  4. While still saying the call, pick up your dog's paw gently. This will teach him or her what to do.
  5. Thoroughly reward your dog with one treat and many "Good girl/boy!" praise statements. This will need to be done many times, so do not overdo the treats.
  6. Repeat several times. This will burn the memory into your dog's mind. The trick won't work immediately; you will need to be patient as your dog figures it out. Dogs don't speak English.
  7. Try saying the call and not lifting the paw. If enough practice has gone by, your dog will lift his/her paw. If so, reward him/her very very richly, and repeat.


  • Practice in short sessions. Don't be discouraged if your dog doesn't pick it up right away. It often takes a lot of practice to get it right. The more often you play, the faster the dog will learn.
  • Praise and deliver the treat when the right reaction happens.
  • Even if your dog just lifts his paw off the floor, use your happy voice to praise the dog.
  • Even if your dog gets the trick, repeat the practice for a few days in order to make sure. Even later, repeat the practice every once in a while. The memory should be kept in your dog's mind.
  • Many dogs in frustration will finally paw at your hand to get the treat. Bingo!
  • Look up "Dog Shaking Paw" on YouTube for a tutorial video that is a very helpful visual add-on.
  • Be patient. Dogs are visual learners and need to be shown many times before they get it right.


  • Do not do it too much, the dog will get bored. a few minutes a few times a day is plenty.
  • Do not force the dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats

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