Train to Become an Ambulance Attendant
An ambulance attendant is someone who helps out the Operate an Ambulance Stretcher crew with various tasks. This position is also known as an emergency medical technician (EMT) or ambulance technician. As an ambulance assistant, you may assist the crew with lifting the patient onto the cot and into the ambulance. You may also have to help with administering basic first aid, such as giving oxygen, bandaging the patient, or monitoring the patient's health. Keep in mind that each and every department will require different things of their ambulance attendants, and every job will be different. There is no way to fully prepare for every scenario, but with the right training, you'll be ready for anything you'll encounter on the job.
Meeting the Minimum Requirements
- Meet the education requirements. Most employers expect ambulance attendants to have a minimum of a high school diploma or GED. Most EMT training programs also require a high school diploma or GED as a prerequisite to entering the program.
- Find out what's required of ambulance attendants at the ambulatory outfit you're interested in working for. If this information isn't available online you can contact someone at that organization and ask what's expected of applicants.
However, some employers may expect a higher level of education and/or training. Many employers also require a certificate in a relevant field. This field will vary, depending on the employer, and may include first aid training or some other type of EMT-specific training.
- Have the desired skills and knowledge. The role of an ambulance attendant is to assist paramedics as they attend to patients. The basic requirements for this job typically involve having the mental and communicative skills necessary to administer care and transport a patient to the hospital.
- Active listening, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making during a crisis are all essential skills for an ambulance attendant to have.
- Strong, competent communication skills are important when working with patients as an ambulance attendant.
- You'll also need basic computer and telephone skills to respond to calls, file reports, and maintain communication with headquarters.
- Be capable of working as an ambulance attendant. In addition to skills and knowledge, most employers will need to verify that you're capable of working on an ambulance. This may include general employment verification or it may involve a more comprehensive medical examination.
- In most regions, you must be at least 18 years of age and eligible for employment in your country of residence. However, each organization and state may set different age requirements. Often the age limit is influenced by liability insurance policies that require ambulance attendants to be at least 21 or older.
- You will typically need to have adequate physical strength and stamina, as a lot of your work will require you to lift patients onto and off of stretchers and get them in and out of an ambulance.
- In addition to the physical demands, there are also a lot of mental and emotional demands that come with working as an ambulance attendant. Emergency workers are frequently subjected to psychological stress and trauma due to the nature of the job.
- Have a clean record. Ambulance attendants must typically have a history of professional and ethical conduct. Any criminal history will be evaluated and any activity deemed unethical or unprofessional by the medical director of a given region or company may be grounds for disqualification or dismissal.
- Any felony or misdemeanor conviction that involves moral quandaries such as theft, drug use/transportation, or assault may disqualify certain candidates.
- Frequent or chronic alcohol abuse may disqualify some candidates.
- If you intend to drive an ambulance, you will need a clean driving record. Excessive traffic violations or more serious incidents like vehicular death could disqualify you from driving an ambulance.
Attending Ambulatory Training
- Find and attend an EMT training program. Some individuals who hold a previous certification may be able to renew their status as an ambulance attendant. However, most new applicants will have to successfully complete an EMT training program, depending on where they live and what organization they apply with.
- You can find EMT training programs through the American Red Cross or through a local community college. Search online to find a training program near you.
- If you live in the United States, look for a program that meets the National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards.
- Some employers may require you to attend additional courses and training, including classes that deal with HIPAA regulations, bloodborne pathogens, and hazardous materials.
- Every organization has different requirements when it comes to training. Make sure the training program you enroll in is accepted by your potential employer.
- Depending on the EMT program you enroll in, your training may include classes in CPR, life support, and defibrillator use, or it may only cover some of this training. Find out what you'll need to know for your potential employer and check what's offered at your program.
- Get CPR training and certification. Many organizations and employers require ambulance attendants to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. CPR may be required when a patient has had a heart attack or has nearly drowned. The goal of CPR is to restart the patient's breathing and/or heartbeat.
- Training will teach you how to check a patient's circulation and airway as well as perform rescue breathing. You'll typically need to be able to perform 30 chest compressions, check the airway, and provide 2 rescue breaths.
- Some rescue situations may require you to apply chest compressions rapidly (about 100 compressions per minute). This should be covered in your EMT training.
- Your training should cover adult as well as children/infant CPR.
- Learn basic life support (BLS) techniques. Some training requirements may mandate that you take classes in basic life support, or BLS.
- Part of your training will entail learning how to evaluate a scene when you arrive. Sometimes emergency personnel will be put in danger while trying to assist patients, due to both environmental and contaminant risks.
- You'll learn about the importance of wearing personal protection equipment to ensure your safety and the safety of everyone you work with (both patients and colleagues).
- You will learn how to evaluate a patient's level of consciousness. This may include determining whether a patient is alert, responding to verbal stimuli, responding to painful stimuli, or totally unresponsive.
- BLS classes will teach you how to check and clear a patient's airway, check for a pulse, and determine whether a patient has stopped breathing or lost their heart rate. You will also learn how to stabilize a patient who is unresponsive or has a limited response.
BLS classes focus on treating patients who have experienced cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or some type of airway obstruction.
- Become proficient with an AED. An automatic external defibrillator, or AED, used to restart a patient's heart after that individual has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. As an ambulance attendant, you will most likely need to operate an AED at some point in your career. For this reason, AED training is often a requirement to become an ambulance attendant.
- You'll learn how to assess whether it's safe to use an AED. For example, some environmental hazards, such as standing puddles and other sources of water, could transfer the electricity to the ambulance attendant and/or other bystanders.
- Your class will teach you how to apply the electrode pads of an AED to a patient's chest, clear everyone away from the unresponsive body, and apply electric shock through the defibrillator.
Finding Work as an Ambulance Attendant
- Accumulate relevant experience. Most ambulatory workers must have some type of prior experience that is relevant to their field. Some employers may count your education towards their specific experience requirements. However, each employer/organization is different.
- Volunteering with a local ambulance outfit is a great way to gain valuable experience while training under a qualified ambulance attendant or EMT. You can find out about volunteer opportunities by contacting your local ambulatory/EMT organizations.
- Find out if any hands-on training you received in school counts as experience. Some employers may count this training as experience while others may not.
- Put together a strong resume. Much like any other job, your resume is the first impression an employer will have of you. You'll want to put together a resume which will show that your education, work experience, and training all meet the needs of a given employer.
- Include your contact information at the top of your resume, followed by your education and work experience.
- List education and work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent degree (for education) and job (for work experience).
- Make sure you list any relevant training and/or volunteer work in reverse chronological order. Include any first aid certifications you've received, and check that your certifications are still valid and up to date.
- Apply to job openings. Where you apply will depend on whether you want to work for a private or public organization. Depending on where you live, you may have the option of working for the city or county and working for a private ambulance company.
- The experience, education, and training requirements will vary significantly from one position to the next, depending on the ambulatory outfit you choose to apply with.
- You can find job openings by searching general career listings online or by browsing industry-specific websites. You can also contact ambulatory outfits directly if you know of one you'd like to work with.
- Give a good interview. If an employer is impressed by your resume and application, you may be called in to give an interview. You'll need to present yourself in a professional manner and show respect to everyone you interact with.
- Arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes early.
- Dress appropriately for a job interview. Even though ambulatory workers typically wear scrubs or work clothes, you'll want to wear a suit and tie or an appropriate blouse and skirt.
- Answer questions truthfully. If there's anything you're unsure about, say that you don't know but you can find out the answer.
- Be prepared to discuss your motivations for working in ambulatory services and your strengths/weaknesses as an employee.
- Be aware that if you're offered a position you may have to pass a background test and/or drug screening.
- Remember that these are just general guidelines. Each department will have different requirements.
- The more educated that you get, the better. An ambulance service is more likely to hire you if you are educated about the medical field. Even if you will not be using these skills all the time, it’s good to know them.
- Learn about different roles—like the difference between a first responder, EMT (basic), EMT (intermediate), and a paramedic.
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