Travel from L.A. to New York

There are several ways you can travel from Los Angeles (L.A.), California to the state of New York depending on your traveling preferences. If your goal is to arrive in New York as soon as possible, the fastest traveling method will most likely be by airplane; however, if you want to take your time traveling to New York and want to stop at sight-seeing destinations along the way, traveling by bus or car may be a better option. You can also travel from L.A. to New York by train. Continue reading this article to learn about your options and methods for traveling from the city of L.A. to New York state.


Travel by Airplane

  1. Use the Internet to book your flight whenever possible. The Internet will provide you with the largest array of pricing and discount options; whereas reserving your flight over the telephone or in person often requires you to pay additional service fees.
    • Book your flight on the website of the airline you want to fly with or visit aggregator websites from which to buy your tickets. For example, you can visit the "Fare Compare" website provided to you in the Sources section of this article to review and compare numerous flight options from L.A. to New York.
  2. Book your flight in as far in advance as possible. Most airlines will provide you with award or discount rates if you book your flight at about 330 days in advance.
    • If you are unable to book your flight 330 days in advance, book your flight after midnight on any night, or between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning before the weekend you plan on traveling. Airlines will often provide discounted tickets during these hours.
  3. Prepare for your flight from L.A. to New York. A non-stop flight from L.A. to New York will last approximately 5 hours, whereas a stopover or connecting flight may take between 7 and 10 hours.
    • Wear comfortable clothing if you plan to sleep during your flight, or bring a form of entertainment such as a book, magazine, or portable music device to keep you occupied during the flight to New York.

Travel by Train

  1. Plan on booking your train ticket 11 months in advance. Amtrak, which is the train company that provides transportation from L.A. to New York, will provide you with the lowest discounts 11 months in advance.
  2. Contact Amtrak to book your train ticket. Train tickets can be reserved online at the Amtrak website or over the telephone with an Amtrak agent.
    • Visit the "Los Angeles Logue" website featured in the Sources section of this article, then click on the Amtrak website link within the "By Train" section to make reservations.
    • Enter your traveling dates and specifications into the ticket box on the left side of the website to purchase your Amtrak tickets. You will have the option to reserve a sleeping car if you want to sleep comfortably during the journey to New York.
    • Call the Amtrak reservation line at 1-800-872-7245 if you do not have Internet access and want to make reservations over the phone.
  3. Visit Union Station to board your train. The L.A. Amtrak station is located at Union Station, 800 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles, California, 90012.
  4. Prepare for the train ride from L.A. to New York. In most cases, the train ride will take 3 full days to travel from L.A. to New York.
    • Bring reading materials or personal electronic devices for entertainment purposes. In some cases, you may be provided with onboard entertainment provided by Amtrak.

Travel by Bus

  1. Reserve your bus ticket in as far in advance as possible. The Greyhound bus website will usually provide you with discounts and lower ticket prices if you book your trip weeks or months in advance.
  2. Purchase your Greyhound bus ticket. You can buy your tickets online at the Greyhound website, over the phone with a Greyhound agent, or in person at the Greyhound terminal.
    • Go to the "Los Angeles Logue" website listed in the Sources section of this article, then click on the Greyhound link within the section "By Bus."
    • Indicate that you are traveling from Los Angeles, California to New York within the ticket box section of the website, then purchase your tickets from the list of traveling options that appear.
    • If you do not have Internet access, call Greyhound at 1-800-231-2222 to purchase your bus ticket with a credit card or visit the L.A. Greyhound Station at 1716 E 7th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90021 to buy your bus ticket.
  3. Prepare for your bus ride. In most cases, your bus ride will take up to 3 days with multiple stops along the way.
    • Bring personal entertainment to keep you occupied during the trip, as well as additional money for food and beverages along the way.

Travel by Car

  1. Map your driving route. The car trip from L.A. to New York is about 2,788 miles (4,486.85 kilometers), and will take approximately 43 hours of driving time, which may vary depending on the exact route you take.
    • Refer to a road atlas or use websites such as Google Maps or Mapquest to determine your preferred route. Many travelers driving from L.A. to New York will take Interstate 40 East, which will require you to pass through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and various other states.
  2. Determine the cost of your trip. You will be required to calculate the cost of gas and the added expenses of food or hotels you may use throughout your trip to New York.
    • Calculate the money you will need for gas based on your vehicle's miles per gallon (MPG). If your vehicle has 20 MPG, your gas expenses may total at least 300 dollars (224 euros), depending on current gas prices.


  • If you are traveling by car and want to make a series of stops at tourist attractions on the way to New York, visit the "Roadside America" website featured in the Sources section of this article to locate destinations that may interest you.
  • If you use Twitter, find the best travel deals by performing a search for "traveltuesdays" preceded by the pound sign, also known as a hashtag, in Twitter. Since Tuesdays are the best days to book tickets, numerous companies and organizations will provide you with links to websites with the best traveling deals.

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Sources and Citations