Treat Dry Lips

There is a special kind of misery in having dry, chapped lips. Suffering from a parched, scaly pucker not only feels very painful — it can also make your formerly beautiful lips look like they belong on the set of a zombie movie. While you might automatically associate chapped lips with the harsh weather of winter, dry lips can happen at any time of the year.


Using Lip Treatments

  1. Replenish moisture in your lips. The most immediate way to bring relief is to apply a lip balm with ingredients that lock in moisture, like petroleum jelly (Vaseline). Other hydrating ingredients include beeswax and shea butter.[1]
    • Avoid heavy matte lipsticks as these can dry out your lips.
  2. Protect your lips from the sun. Your lip balm or ointment should also include at least an SPF 30. Be sure to especially protect your bottom lip because it tends to be a little more exposed than your upper lip.[1]
  3. Watch out for allergens. If you find that your lip balm or cream is not improving your chapped lips, take a look at what ingredients are included in the formulation. You might be allergic to elements in the sunscreen, like avobenzone.
    • Fragrances and dyes can also cause allergies. Be sure to pick a lip balm that is a non-tinted, unfragranced petroleum jelly formulation.
    • Some other common allergens in lip balms include menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor.
    • Be aware that using lip gloss can lead to cheilitis, an acute or chronic inflammation of the lips. This is most likely due to a contact/allergen dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. Excessive use of lip gloss can cause this condition.
  4. Exfoliate your lips. If your lips have very flaky patches of skin, exfoliating with a brush or lip scrub will help you slough off the dead skin and regain your smooth, beautiful lips. You can buy a lip exfoliator from most beauty stores, but you can also follow this really easy recipe to make your own.[2]
    • Combine 2 tsp brown sugar, 1 tsp olive oil, 1/2 tsp honey, and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract in a small bowl. Apply the scrub to your lips and then rub your lips together, working the scrub into the skin. Wipe off with a clean towel. Immediately apply a petroleum jelly lip balm to moisturize the lips.
    • Be sure not to over-exfoliate; once or twice a week at most is all you need.

Preventing Chapped Lips in the Future

  1. Limit your exposure to dry air. Because your lips produce so little moisture on their own, they are very sensitive to changes in moisture in the air. Chilly, wintry air is a common culprit, but air that is dried out from indoor heating or air conditioning can also hurt your lips.
  2. Add moisture to the air. While you can't control the air outdoors, you can add a humidifier to your home. It will be most effective if you use the humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep and while your lips are left untended for the longest.
  3. Stay hydrated. You can keep your lips plump and moisturized by drinking 8-12 glasses of water a day.
  4. Protect your lips from the elements. In addition to wearing sunscreen on your lips (try a chapstick with SPF 30), you should also use a scarf to cover your lips, especially if you will be walking outside in very cold air. Always apply lip balm before you go outside in the winter.
  5. Breathe through your nose. If you normally breathe through your mouth, this might be drying out your lips. Instead, take deep breaths through your nose to prevent chapped lips.
  6. Stop licking your lips. One of the biggest causes of dry, chapped lips is when you lick your lips. Saliva is designed to digest food; it has an acidic enzyme which eats away at the top layer of skin on your lips.[3]
    • While it might feel like licking brings some temporary relief to your skin, remember that it is actually doing more damage to your lips.

Understanding the Causes of Dry Lips

  1. Accept thin skin. Your lips have some of the thinnest skin on your body. To make matters worse, they are also constantly exposed to the elements. Therefore, your lips are in a vulnerable position simply by their composition and location on your face.
    • They also have fewer natural oil glands to help keep the skin hydrated. This means you will need to supply additional hydration when they lose moisture.
  2. Fear the sun. Often when we think of sunburns, we tend to overlook the impact of on our lips, but they can also become burnt and dried out from harmful UVA/UVB rays.
    • Skin cancer can also occur on your lips.
  3. Check your vitamins. Sometimes dry lips can be caused by a Vitamin B2 deficiency; if you have tried multiple treatments for hydrating your lips and they haven't worked, you should talk to your doctor about checking for a vitamin deficiency.[4]
  4. Beware of certain medications. Some medications — like Accutane, commonly used for the treatment of acne — can lead to very dry, flaky lips. If you are taking these medicines, you should plan to take extra care of your lips.[4]
  5. Finished.

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