Treat Forearm Tendonitis

Tendinitis is an inflammation or swelling of a tendon. Tendons are the connective tissues that connect muscle to bone. Forearm Tendinitis is different than elbow or wrist Tendinitis in that it affects the tendons in your forearm only. Symptoms of this condition include pain, tenderness, swelling and redness of your forearm. There are various factors that lead to tendinitis, the most common of which is overuse through sports or repetitive motions, improper lifting of heavy objects, and age.


Using Home Treatment

  1. Follow R.I.C.E. R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This principle can be used at home to treat forearm Tendinitis and should be practiced on a daily basis for the best results.[1]
  2. Rest the your forearm. Resting the muscles in the affected tendons is crucial to treating Tendinitis, especially in athletes.[2] Athletes who continue to push through tendon pain risk escalating their injury from the acute inflammation phase to chronic Tendinitis, which is much harder to treat.[1]
    • Avoid in sports or strenuous physical activity. Don’t try to play through the pain.
    • Small amounts of activity can still be done by patients with forearm tendinitis. Complete abstinence from using the affected area can cause muscle stiffness. Try low impact activities like swimming and gentle stretches to keep your muscles active without putting too much stress or use on them.[2]
  3. Ice the injured area for up to 20 minutes, several times a day. Use an ice pack, wrapped in a towel, or give your forearm an ice massage, or a slush bath with ice and water. This will decrease the pain, muscle spasms, and swelling of your forearm.[2]
    • To apply an ice massage, freeze a plastic foam cup of water. Hold the cup while applying the ice directly to the skin of your forearm.
    • You can use frozen bag of vegetables such as peas.
  4. Compress the area until the swelling goes down. Swelling can result in a loss of motion in the injured joint. Use a compression wrap or a compressive elastic bandage (available at any pharmacy) on your forearm until it appears less swollen.[2]
  5. Elevate the affected area. Elevating your forearm will help to reduce the pain and swelling. Raise the affected forearm above the level of your heart on a chair or a stack of pillows.[2]
  6. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever or anti-inflammatory medication. Ibuprofen, Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medication will help with the pain and swelling in the short term (five to seven days).[2][3]
    • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) is a very effective pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medication. You can usually take two pills at a time, and repeat every four to six hours.
    • Naproxen sodium (Aleve) is another anti-inflammatory medication. You may take this every 12 hours as needed for pain and swelling.
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is another effective pain reliever that can be used to ease the discomfort associated with forearm tendinitis.

Performing Forearm Stretches

  1. Stretch the extensor muscles of your forearm. Stretching is a good way to strengthen your forearm muscles and release any pain or stress. A constant stretching and strengthening routine can help to alleviate forearm Tendinitis.[4] Your extensor muscles help you extend your wrist and are important for healthy forearm muscles.[5]
    • Sit in a chair and rest your elbow on a flat table or surface.
    • Straighten your arm out fully. Your wrist should extend beyond the edge of the table.
    • Push the palm of your hand down with your opposite hand.
    • You should feel a stretch across the top of your forearm and bent hand. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and repeat it two to three times on each arm.
    • You can also do this stretch while standing, or while doing a light jog on a treadmill or in place.[4]
  2. Do a forearm flexor stretch. These are the muscles that help you flex the wrist.[5]
    • Sit in a chair with your elbow resting on a table or flat surface.
    • Straighten the arm out fully with your palm facing up.
    • Your wrist should extend beyond the edge of the table.
    • Push your palm downward with your opposite hand to stretch the forearm flexors. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and repeat it two to three times on each arm.
    • You can also do this stretch while standing, or while doing a light jog on a treadmill or in place.[4]
  3. Strengthen your forearm extensor muscles. Always do stretching exercises first, before you do any strengthening exercises. Use a .5 lb or 1lb weight to do these exercises. In a pinch, you can also use a soup can or a light weight hammer.[5]
    • Sit in a chair with your forearm resting on a flat table or surface.
    • Your wrist should extend past the edge of the table.
    • Extend your forearm fully with your palm facing downwards.
    • Grasping a weight in your hand, extend your wrist upward.
    • Hold this position for two seconds and then release slowly. Repeat the exercise 30 to 50 times, twice a day. However, if you feel any pain while doing these exercises, lessen the amount of times you do them in a day.
  4. Strengthen your forearm flexors. Use a .5lb or 1lb weight to do this exercise.[5]
    • Sit in a chair with your forearm resting on a flat table or surface.
    • Your wrist should extend beyond the edge of the table.
    • Extend your arm fully with your palm facing up.
    • Grasping the weight in your hand, flex your wrist upwards.
    • Hold this position for two seconds, then slowly release. Repeat the exercise 30 to 50 times, twice a day. However, if you feel any pain while doing these exercises, lessen the amount of times you do them in a day.
  5. Do deviator muscle exercises. These are the muscles that help you move your wrist from side to side. Use a .5lb or 1b weight for this exercise.[5]
    • Hold the weight in your hand with the thumb facing up.
    • Move your wrist up and down, much like hammering a nail.
    • All the motion should occur at your wrist joint, not at the elbow or shoulder joint. Repeat the exercise 30 to 50 times, twice a day. Lessen the number of reps if you feel any pain.
  6. Exercise your pronator and supinator muscles. These are the muscles that allow you to turn your hand over.[5]
    • Hold a .5 lb or 1 lb weight in your hand with your thumb pointing up.
    • Turn your wrist inward as far as possible and hold for two seconds.
    • Turn your wrist outward as far as possible and hold for two seconds.
    • Repeat up to 50 repetitions. Lessen the number of reps if you feel any pain.

Using Medical Treatment

  1. See a doctor if your pain persists, or you experience extreme symptoms. If you experience significant joint problems, severe pain, redness, swelling, or loss of joint function, you may have advanced Tendinitis and likely require medical care.[3][6]
    • Provide a detailed list of your symptoms and the duration of your symptoms. For example: “constant pain in the right forearm for two hours” or “swelling of the left forearm at the end of the day”.
    • Tell your physician about any treatments you have tried or used at home.
    • Describe your daily activities to your physician, as Tendinitis can be caused or exacerbated by excessive activity.
  2. Ask your doctor about corticosteroids. Steroid injections around the tendon may help to reduce swelling and ease pain. [7][8]
    • These treatments are not recommended for chronic tendinitis lasting three months or longer. Repeated injections can weaken your tendons and increase your risk of rupturing the tendon. Therefore, it is recommended that corticosteroids be avoided.[9]
  3. Consider physical therapy. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy for your forearm tendinitis. The physiotherapist will then develop a program with specific exercises designed to stretch and strengthen your forearm muscles.[7]
    • Physical therapy sessions may be several times a week for several months.
    • Rest, stretching, and strengthening are the mainstays for this treatment.
  4. Ask your doctor about surgical treatment. Depending on how severe and chronic your tendon injury is, surgery may be an option, especially if a tendon has torn away from the bone.
    • Focused aspiration of scar tissue (FAST) may be necessary to treat chronic tendinitis. [7]
    • This procedure is a minimally invasive surgery that uses ultrasound guidance and small instruments, and is performed under local anesthesia.
    • The goal of this surgery is to remove tendon scar tissue without damaging the surrounding tissues.
    • Most people return to normal activity within one to two months following FAST treatment.

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