Treat Postpartum Pain

Childbirth is a beautiful and exciting time, but it can also be quite an ordeal for a mother’s body. Postpartum pain can occur whether you give birth vaginally or have a cesarean delivery (c-section). However, you can treat vaginal soreness, breast tenderness, hemorrhoids, back pain, and c-section pain to improve your postpartum discomfort. Use home remedies, make some lifestyle adjustments, and take the appropriate medications.


Dealing with Soreness After Vaginal Delivery

  1. Cushion where you sit. It’s normal to experience slight tearing of your perineum during childbirth, or have an episiotomy. Ease soreness by sitting on a pillow, cushion, or a padded ring.[1] Get creative - you can use a circular neck cushion for flying, a small innertube pool toy, or anything that pads where you sit. Don’t be embarrassed about carrying it around with you.
  2. Use an ice pack. Place a cool pack or bag of ice over the wound to reduce swelling and improve pain. If you use ice, wrap it in a clean towel first – don’t press the ice directly onto your skin.[1]
    • Try dampening a clean cloth or pad with chilled witch hazel. Hold it in place over the wound with a fresh sanitary napkin.
  3. Irrigate the area while you urinate. Urine can sting the wound when you pee. Use a squeeze bottle to pour warm (not hot) water over the area while you urinate. This will flush the area and help to alleviate stinging and soreness.[1]
  4. Take over-the-counter pain medication for contractions. It’s natural to experience menstrual cramp-like contractions for a few days after delivery. Talk to your doctor about taking OTC pain medicine to alleviate these. Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil), Aspirin, or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can improve mild pain. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor or OB/GYN first, and let them know if you’re breastfeeding or if you have any medical conditions.[1]
    • Do not take aspirin if you are breastfeeding.[2]

Alleviating Hemorrhoid Pain

  1. Apply pressure while defecating. If you feel pressure and pain while your defecate and feel swelling near your anus, you probably have hemorrhoids.[1] Hold a clean pad or washcloth over the area when you have a bowel movement. Press down firmly. This can alleviate some pressure and make defecating more comfortable.
    • You can also do this over your episiotomy wound.
  2. Soften your stools with water, foods, and medicine. If you feel like you’re straining to defecate, ask your doctor whether you can take a stool softener. Stay hydrated by drinking 9 cups of water (2.2 liters) a day, or more if you’re breastfeeding.[3] Eat foods high in fiber like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
    • Ask your doctor about taking an osmotic laxative if defecating is really difficult.
  3. Soak in a warm bathtub. Ease hemorrhoid pain while they heal by sitting in a warm bathtub. Soak for 15-20 minutes every day or even twice a day. The hot soak will alleviate some discomfort.[1] If your anus or vagina are sore from childbirth, sit on a soft, waterproof cushion in the bath.
    • Wait at least 24 hours after you give birth to soak in a bath.
    • Try a sitz bath – a shallow plastic tub you can sit in that’s positioned over your toilet seat.[2]
  4. Apply witch hazel. Put chilled witch hazel on a pad and hold it against the hemorrhoids. This can ease the pain and bring down some swelling.[1]
  5. Ask your doctor for medications. If the hemorrhoids are very uncomfortable or are taking a while to heal, talk to your doctor. Ask about hemorrhoid medications. These are usually topical – apply them to the affected area.[1]

Improving Breast Soreness

  1. Breastfeed your baby, if possible. Breastfeeding is healthy for your baby and will improve your breast pain. Sore breasts after delivery are caused by engorgement – milk being produced in your breasts. Breastfeed to help alleviate the pressure and ease pain.[4]
    • You can also use a breast pump to express milk.
  2. Use warm compresses to express milk. Apply warm compresses to your breasts to alleviate some pain from engorgement. This can help release milk. Use clean washcloths or towels every time so you don’t introduce bacteria to your breasts and nipples. You can also soak in a hot bath, or stand in a hot shower.[4]
  3. Use cold compresses between feedings. When you’re not feeding, put cold packs, bags of ice, or cool washcloths on your breasts to relieve some discomfort. Wrap ice in towels so you don’t damage your skin.[4]
  4. Wear a supportive bra to decrease milk production. If you’re not breastfeeding, take measures to minimize your milk production. This will alleviate breast soreness. Wear firm, supportive bras like a sports bra.
    • Don’t rub your breasts or use a breast pump – this will encourage more milk production.
  5. Consult a lactation specialist if breastfeeding is painful. If you’re experiencing Prevent Painful Breastfeeding, a lactation specialist can teach you techniques to make breastfeeding more comfortable. They can also help you watch out for any problems you might encounter while breastfeeding (like mastitis).[4]

Easing Postpartum Back Pain

  1. Apply heat to the sore area. Use a heating pad on your back, or take a warm bath or shower. This can provide short-term relief from back pain.[5]
    • If heat doesn’t help, try a cold pack. You may find that one feels better for you.
  2. Get a massage. Visit a licensed massage therapist for a relaxing massage. This can help alleviate stress and may improve back pain caused by labor, tension, and sore or tight muscles.[5] Try to relax and minimize your stress level as much as possible.
  3. Start a gradual exercise program. Start to improve your back pain with an exercise program that gradually increases in intensity. Start by taking short walks for a few weeks – this is safe after vaginal or cesarean delivery. Then when your healthcare provider says it’s okay, gradually amp up your activity:[5]
    • Start doing back and abdomen strengthening exercises, like the pelvic tilt.
    • Do gentle stretching and yoga, but avoid strenuous postures.
    • Remember that when you’re lifting, bend at your knees and lift from a crouching position. Be tentative and careful if you had a c-section – recovery is longer after a c-section than after vaginal delivery.

Alleviating Pain After a C-Section

  1. Rest as much as possible. Take it easy for several weeks after your c-section. Your body needs time to heal. Set yourself up in bed or on the couch, and try to keep everything you need within reach. Don’t lift anything heavier than your baby for the first eight weeks.[5]
  2. Maintain good posture to support your abdomen. When standing and walking, stand up straight and in good posture. This will help to support your abdomen.[6] If it feels comfortable, place a hand gently over your incision with light pressure – you may feel more secure moving around like this.
  3. Brace your incision during sudden movements. If you move your body quickly or bear down at all, apply pressure to your incision site. This includes when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or defecate.[6]
  4. Use OTC pain medicine. Most pain medications you get at your pharmacy are safe during breastfeeding, but ask your doctor or pharmacist to be sure. NSAIDs, Aspirin, and acetaminophen can help improve pain while your c-section wound heals.[6]
  5. Breastfeed using the football or side-lying hold. You can breastfeed almost immediately after your c-section, but do so in specific positions to make it more comfortable. Place a pillow over your abdomen while you hold your baby. Also try the following holds, and determine which is more comfortable for you:[6]
    • The football hold: Hold your baby at your side and bend your elbow. Support your baby’s head with your open hand. Face them toward your breast. Rest their back on your forearm. Support your breast in your other hand, if it’s comfortable.
    • The side-lying hold: Lie on your side. Face your baby toward your breast and support them with one hand. Use your other hand to hold your breast and press your nipple to your baby’s mouth. When they latch, use one arm to hold the baby and your other arm to support your own head.


  • Minor tears and episiotomies should heal within 4-6 weeks.[2]


  • If you have any doubts or questions about whether your postpartum pain is normal, speak to your doctor right away.

Sources and Citations

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