Try Ice Skating for the First Time

Ice skating is a go-to winter activity for kids and adults. What a fantastic way to spend a wintry afternoon! Imagine how fun it would be gliding gracefully on the ice, performing magnificent spins and triple toe loops. It will take a while to get there, however. This classic pastime is one that is filled with thrills and chills. As a newbie, you may be eager to dive right in but taking things slow is in your best interest here. By having a little patience and learning the basics, you can ensure your time on the ice is a breeze and one you'll be dying to repeat.


Choosing Correct Attire

  1. Wear proper clothes. There's no need to run out and purchase a leotard, but there are some things to keep in mind when going ice skating for the first time. Wear clothes that are easy to move around in, like a t-shirt and loose-fitting pants.
    • Don’t wear jeans. They will become damp when you fall on the ice.
  2. Select warm outerwear. The ice gets cold, as you can imagine, so don’t forget the items that will keep you warm like gloves, a hat, a scarf and a light jacket.
    • Remember, you'll be moving around quite a bit. Choose a jacket that is warm but light. Also, a coat that hangs to the ground is a hazard.
  3. Wear socks or tights. Keep your feet happy by wearing a thick pair of socks or tights. Skip the cotton socks as they do not absorb moisture very well. They also tend to be bulky which can cause blistering on the feet.
    • Instead, thin wool socks will work great. They should stretch up to your calf so they don't fall down while skating.
  4. Choose proper skates. Ask the rink attendant to give you two sizes to try. These should be your normal, everyday shoe size, plus one size larger. Put both pairs on to see how they feel laced up. Skates that are too loose will not provide the proper ankle support needed.[1] They should feel snug but not so tight that they strangle your feet and cause your toes to go numb.
    • Lace the skates from the toe up. Tie the final knot firmly so that they do not become unlaced during skating. You can even tuck the ends into the top of the skates for extra security.

Learning How to Be Safe

  1. Have a lesson with a trainer. This is a great way to understand some of the fundamentals of the activity. A lot of rinks offer short, introductory classes for all age groups. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and interact to get the most out of it.
    • Take friends along too. Even if they're pros, having buddies will make the time more enjoyable.
  2. Try walking. With your skates on, work on your balance by walking around the venue on the carpet.[2] If the venue offers blade guards, use them, as they will protect the blade. You may notice right away that you can’t walk standing straight up, nor should you. Instead, keep your knees slightly bent and put your weight on the balls of your feet.
    • Never take ice skates onto concrete. Falling will really hurt and you will ruin the blades.
  3. Practice to fall. Falling is a natural part of the sport and it is bound to happen a couple of times. Even the greatest skaters fall. By learning to fall properly, you will reduce the possibility of a serious injury. While on the carpeted area, bend your knees and do a squat. Slowly fall backwards to the ground, landing on your bottom. Keep your chin tucked into your chest. This will keep your head from snapping back and hitting the cold, hard [3]
    • Try not to use your hands to break your fall. While on the ice, another skater could come flying by and run over your fingers. You could also badly injure your wrists.
    • Instead, leave your arms out at your sides or out in front of you.
    • Practice this several times before heading to the ice.
  4. Practice getting up. Roll over onto your hands and knees. Place one foot beneath you, between your hands. Bring the other foot forward and push up slowly. When upright, keep your knees slightly bent to regain full balance.[4]
    • It’s important you get this technique down before getting onto the ice. When on the ice, try not to enlist the help of others to get you up. You could lose your balance again and pull them down with you.
    • Try to get up quickly as the ice is cold and may make you feel uncomfortable.

Getting on the Ice

  1. Check ice thickness. When skating outdoors, it's critically that you check the pond/lake thickness. You can do this by simply calling the park administrators. Four inches is the recommended thickness for activities like these.[5]
    • Once they've checked, ask them to remove any debris like tree limbs that may have fallen onto the ice. You will want a clear path at all times.
  2. Enter rink door. Never jump over the wall to get access to the ice. Other skaters may not see you. You could end up hurting yourself, as well as someone else.
    • When entering, notice the direction the traffic is flowing and head in the same direction.
  3. Stay close to the wall. Walk around the edge of the rink. Hold onto the wall if necessary until you get a feel for the ice, your skates and overall balance. Remain relaxed and don’t rush to start zipping around the rink.
    • As you build confidence, slowly distance yourself from the wall but never going too far. Keep your arms out at your sides for balance.
  4. Try gliding. Keep your skates about shoulder width apart and knees slightly over your toes. Make sure that your chin remains parallel to the ice. Start with both feet pointing forward, then slightly turn the right foot out to create a 45 degree angle. This will be your pushing foot. Keep your weight centered directly over the skates. When ready, bend deeper onto the left knee and push out with your right foot.[6]
    • Hold the position and you’re gliding!
  5. Practice stopping. Work on a two-foot stop in the beginning. To do so, point your knees slightly inward and press on the outside edges of your blades. Your toes will point inward towards each other as well. A little snow will kick up if done correctly. Don’t press too hard and jam your feet into the ice. Applying a tiny bit of pressure will slow you done and create a full stop.[7]
    • When practicing, notice your posture and try not to lean forward.
    • Try to get this technique down before moving on to more advanced skills.
  6. Continue to practice. Most people do not nail ice skating the first time out so keep trying to improve. Work on your balance and getting comfortable with the fundamentals. Watch others that are doing well to hone your skills.


  • Take your time and go slowly in the beginning.

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  • How to Ice Skate for the First Time

Sources and Citations