Tweet Your Images With Twitpic.Com is one of the Twitter related sites used for sharing photos with your followers. Using Twitpic is simple and makes sharing photos easy.


  1. Open in your browser. Log in with your Twitter account information. If you are already logged into Twitter, you will be automatically signed in.
  2. Upload a picture or video from your computer. Click on the upload link in the top menu bar. A box will pop up allowing you to select the media from your computer, add a caption, add a location, and share with Twitter and/or Facebook. Make sure the "Share to Twitter" box is checked if you'd like Twitpic to automatically tweet your image!
    • Select the picture you will be using by clicking the "Select Media" button, and navigating to the folder that contains the picture. Select the picture, and then click "Upload".
  3. Upload a picture or video from your mobile phone via email or MMS (picture message). Click on the "settings" link in the top menu bar to find your unique upload email address.
    • Send an email or MMS (picture message) to your upload address. Include the photo or video in the body and an optional caption in the subject line.

    • Do not share your upload email with anyone, or they will be able to post to your Twitpic (and Twitter) account. If your address becomes compromised, you can click "Update PIN" on your settings page to obtain a new upload address.
    • Alternatively, if you have an iPhone, you can download the Twitpic iPhone App to simplify uploading.
  4. You'll be taken to a page where you can view your image.
    • Hover over the photo to rotate it or view its full size.
    • Click "Add/edit faces" to tag your friends in the photo.
    • To the bottom right, the eye icon indicates the number of views your photo has received and the timestamp indicates when you posted it.

  5. Unless you manually changed your sharing settings, Twitpic will automatically post a tweet with a link to your image. You can preview the image in Twitter, or click on the link to view it in Twitpic.
  6. On a Twitpic image page, your logged in friends can comment on the picture to start a conversation. A comment will show up as an @ reply to you (or whoever uploaded the image) on the commenter's Twitter feed.
  7. On the right sidebar, you can edit the tags associated with your image (for easy searching and categorization), organize photos by event album, and edit the location of your photo.
  8. View all of your Twitpic images by clicking on the "profile" link in the top menu bar. You will be able to choose between timeline and gallery viewing formats.


  • You can delete your photos, comments, and tags much like.
  • You can delete an update on Twitter. Simply click on the trash bin next to the thumbnail of the picture.


  • Note that TwitPic reserves the right to remove any image for any reason whatsoever. In particular, Twitpic will remove any image uploaded that is pornographic or offensive in nature (including nudity, violence, sexual acts, or sexually provocative images.)

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