Uninstall AVG Antivirus FREE Edition 2014

Why you cannot uninstall AVG Antivirus FREE Edition 2014 and/or other versions of it from your Windows? Here are some common factors that can affect an uninstall of such Anti-Virus, or antispyware program: 1. You may have accidentally or directly delete AVG related references like its installation information in your hard disk. 2. You're trying to employ a standard/limited user account (aka, non-administrative account) to make configurations to your computer system. 3. You may have encountered a potential bug in your current version of AVG Antivirus Free like the said "0xC0070643" (an error regarding the "General Internal Error"). Then, read on and refer to this wikiHow providing you with the manual steps to remove your unwanted AVG Antivirus FREE Edition plus the official solution to such AVG uninstall issues.


  1. If, you're logged in as a non-admin user, switch to an admin account with permissions.
  2. Try the standard uninstall process to get rid of AVG Antivirus FREE Edition 2014:
    • Open up Windows Start menu, hit Control Panel on the list.
    • Select Add/Remove Programs or "Uninstall a program" if you're running a Windows 8/ Windows 7/ Windows Vista computer.
    • You then locate the following AVG 2014 in your own programs list then click Remove tab after it. Please be informed that AVG SafeGuard toolbar (aka, AVG Secure Search) should have been installed if you performed Express Install option for your AVG antivirus software. Additionally, Visual Studio 2012 x86 Redistributable is installed as the component of this new build of AVG Antivirus.
    • Follow the onscreen instructions and information to change AVG-related settings in your system after choosing the the provided "Uninstall" option.
    • Please note that you can keep those AVG stuff if you wish to use other AVG product at a later date.
    • Wait patience while the above AVG 2014 Uninstaller processes your request.
    • You must reboot your computer system to make the above changes take effect.
  3. After all, you may consider removing or keeping AVG toolbar and its related settings, and the aforementioned AVG component, "Visual Studio", depending on your personal preferences and needs.

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