Untwist a Rope or Cable Coil

Ever wondered why your cables and ropes manage to tie themselves in knots in the few seconds it takes you to turn away? Irritated when you throw a coil, only to see it fall in a giant lump. With just a few simple techniques, you can now coil the perfect rope


  1. Understand the problem. Very simply it is the rope or cable twisting during each turn of a coil, the best way to be 100% sure that there are no twists in a line, is to hold the first section of line in the coil tightly between two fists. then passing your left to your right hand, adding a twist on each revolution, this is the most time consuming method, but does quite clearly prove the point.
  2. Grab one section of rope, i.e. half a coil. Allow gravity to take the rest to the floor, and move your left and right hand downwards to meet the rope, grabbing on each alternation. This provides the same result as adding a twist yourself.
  3. Leave the last 3-4 coils free and wrap tightly around the coil’s center until you are left with 5/4’s the length of the coil. Form that into a loop, and pass through the center, bring it over the entire coil. Then tighten. This keeps the coil for as long as required.
  4. Finished.


  • If you can throw a coil, which then unfurls without twisting around itself, it was a tidy coil, otherwise there were twists, and your method is incorrect.


  • Don’t do the obvious, grabbing the end of the line in your hand, and coiling it around your arm does not remove any twists, and consequentially your line will tangle.

Things You'll Need

  • rope/cable/line to tidy

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