Use Coconut Oil for Flea and Skin Treatment on Dogs

Using coconut oil can cost a lot less than commercial flea treatments, and may also be less likely to cause health problems in your pet. You can also have a coconut smelling dog!!!


  1. Find some Raw Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil. It contains lauric acid, which kills and prevents fleas. It can be bought at the grocery store, at the pharmacy in the GNC section, or really anywhere they sell food and cooking oils. They can also be found in the Care for Hair aisle, as it is also used to replenish hair with shine!!
  2. Take about a tablespoon at a time (If the coconut oil is kept in a warm environment/room, it will look like a clear liquid. If the coconut oil is in a cooler climate, it will be white and look like lard)
  3. Take some in your hand and rub your hands together, this will turn it to a more oily consistency if is in the white "lard" state. Or pour some into a small container so that you can just scoop some out with your hand/fingers if it is in the clear liquid state.
  4. Rub into the fur or skin of your dog where he/she has fleas, dry flaky skin, raw skin from scratching, or a loss of fur. It will be a bit oily of course, but rub it in very, very well. The fleas will die within 5 mins.
  5. Take some extra in your hands and run it through the outer layers of your dogs fur and their under belly as well.
  6. Put a sweater on your dog for the day or overnight so the oil can set, and prevent the dog from licking it up because it tastes good, although it is safe if they do try to lick it, unlike some commercial flea treatments.
  7. Reapply each day, or a few times a week, until you know how it'll work on your pet and you notice all fleas are gone and not returning, and/or when you see the skin clearing up and possibly fur regrowing back.


  • Keep a jar or two handy at all times if you have pets with sensitive skin or fleas.
  • Coconut oil may clog pores and stick to your pet's fur and gathers dirt, and that can be detrimental and will only make your pet scratch himself more. So, alternatively, you can give him a coconut oil massage just a day before his bath and then wash it all off with shampoo the next day.