Use Coffee Pods

Coffee pods are small, single-use sachets of coffee grounds that look like teabags; they should not be confused with the ever more popular Keurig single-use coffee cups. Coffee pods have the advantage of being usable in both electric coffee brewers and on their own. They offer a low-mess and quick alternative to bulk coffee grounds. Learning how to use coffee pods is a simple process regardless of whether you have a brewer or want to use the pods directly in your coffee cup.


Use Coffee Pods with a Pod Brewer

  1. Remove the packaging from the coffee pod. Coffee pods are usually individually wrapped in a foil package. This allows you to prepare each serving of coffee without exposing the rest of the coffee grounds to air and light, which keeps the remaining coffee fresher. Open this packet and discard the wrapper.
  2. Place the coffee pod into your brewer. Coffee brewers designed for use with coffee pods usually feature a handle in the front that lifts up and exposes a circular chamber into which you should place the coffee pod. After positioning the sachet into the chamber, lower the handle again to close the lid.
  3. Fill the water reservoir. The coffee brewer's water reservoir will generally have an easily removable lid. Open the lid and pour in enough water to brew a cup of coffee. If there is a "maximum fill" line marked on the reservoir's side, do not exceed this level. Replace the lid.
  4. Place your cup underneath the brew head and begin brewing. When the coffee pod and water are both in place, you are ready to brew. Place your coffee cup underneath the brew head, and press the "brew" button to begin brewing the coffee. After the water is heated, it will be passed through the coffee grounds in the pod and into your cup.

Use Coffee Pods Directly in Your Cup

  1. Place the coffee pod into your coffee mug. Coffee pods can also be used similarly to teabags by placing them directly into your cup. To brew a whole pot of coffee this way, you can place 2 or 3 single serving coffee pods into a coffee pot or pitcher.
  2. Heat water on a stove top. Pour enough water for brewing into a saucepan or tea kettle. Heat the water to about 190 degrees Fahrenheit (88 degrees Celsius), which is just below boiling.
  3. Pour the water over the coffee pod. When the water has reached the appropriate temperature, pour it into your cup, thoroughly saturating the coffee pod. Allow the pod to steep in the hot water for 3 or 4 minutes.
  4. Discard the coffee pod. Remove the coffee pod from your cup with a spoon after it has steeped. Both the sachet and the coffee grounds inside are biodegradable, so coffee pods can be readily composted.


  • If you don't have a pour-over brewer, steep the pod like tea, in cup of hot water. Press with a spoon against the side of cup during the 3 minute steep. Be careful; this can be a tricky move. Don't burn yourself.
  • If you are heating your cup of water in the microwave, you can get a richer cup of coffee or tea by placing the pod or bag in the cup while you heat the water. Don't heat on the highest power; microwave on 60% until hot enough to enjoy, but not boiling. Heating times will vary, so you'll have to experiment, but you will be surprised at the improved taste.
    • This low & slow "nuke" method works with cocoa, powdered soup mixes and other quick micro treats where the main ingredient is a cup of water.


  • Unfortunately, coffee pods do not allow you to adjust the strength of your brew by using more or less ground coffee. The strength, or at least the richness of your brew can be adjusted by applying more or less pressure to the pod for longer or shorter time period.

Things You'll Need

  • Coffee pod brewer
  • Coffee pod
  • Water
  • Coffee cup
  • Saucepan or tea kettle
  • Spoon

Sources and Citations

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