Use Diet Pills Safely

There are a variety of dieting products and programs advertised to consumers, including juice diets, cleanses, or diet pills to help induce weight loss. Although most weight-loss pills are considered over-the-counter drugs, there are some concerns to keep in mind when you are taking them. Many of these programs are not evaluated by the FDA for effectiveness or for safety.[1] Being as well informed as possible and also taking the road of caution can help you manage your weight while taking diet pills.


Understanding Diet Pill Labels

  1. Research the supplement online. Before purchasing any weight loss pill over the counter, spend some time researching that supplement online. Find reliable sources of information that can provide you with the benefits, disadvantages and any possible side effects or dangers of the supplement you're interested in.
  2. Reliable, trustworthy sources of information include government websites, scientific peer reviewed research journals, or hospital/clinic websites. Studies completed by the company itself or recommendations from celebrities, magazines, or newspapers generally are not reliable.
    • There are some websites and government sites that offer extensive information on vitamin, mineral, herbal and weight loss supplements. They include all unbiased, reliable research that has been done on the supplements they have listed.[2]
  3. Read the weight loss claim. Most over-the-counter diet pills will advertise some sort of weight loss claim. It's important to understand these claims are not regulated by the FDA and may be false.
    • Be aware of "clinically proven" claims on supplements. The supplement company should provide supporting evidence to this claim. If there is no supporting information or studies only completed by the company itself, it's important to realize this may be a false claim.[2]
    • Also be aware of unsafe, unreliable products. They will have claims such as "lose 10 pounds in one week" or "24 hour diet." These are generally unsafe supplements.[1]
  4. Read about possible side effects. All medications, even prescription medications, come with a list of possible side effects.[1] While they may be rare, it's important to be aware of exactly how a medication or supplement could affect you.
    • Read all information on possible side effects prior to taking any medication or over the counter diet pill.
    • Note that some ingredients of many weight loss pills are not well studied and side effects are not well known. For example, bitter orange is known as an "ephedra substitute" and may be associated with similar negative side effects.[3]Take extreme caution when ingesting diet pills.

Managing Weight with Diet Pills

  1. Get clearance from your physician before taking any diet pills. Your doctor should do a basic physical examination and review your current medications and medical history. She will be able to determine if weight loss or the use of diet pills is safe and appropriate for you.
    • If you're in good health, your physician may see no problem with you using diet pills in moderation.
    • Tell your doctor the type of pills you plan to take, and ask her opinion about them, especially in relation to your general health status.
    • If your physician doesn't think diet pills are appropriate, ask about prescription weight loss medications, medically supervised diet programs, or if your physician can refer you to a local registered dietitian.
  2. Take all pills as directed. Read the instructions prior to taking any diet pills. Follow the instructions exactly and be sure to note any side effects or weight loss that has resulted.
    • Do not double up on doses or take the pills in intervals too close together.
    • Some diet pills advise certain foods to avoid while taking. Pay attention to these special directions.
    • You decrease your risk of adverse side effects when you take supplements as directed.
    • Discontinue the use of any diet pills or supplements if you experience negative side effects. Contact your doctor immediately and inform her of the side effects you're experiencing and the pills you're taking.
  3. Consume adequate fluids daily. Many diet pills cause your body to lose water through urination. Some diet pills act as diuretics or contain other ingredients that act in a similar fashion.[4]
    • Aim for at least 64 oz or 2L of clear fluids (like water or flavored water) daily to help maintain proper hydration status. The amount of water needed may differ for everyone, but the "8 glasses" daily rule is easy to remember.
    • The loss of too much water can result in dehydration, which may cause additional adverse health issues.
  4. Consider prescription weight loss medication. There are some prescription medications that are used to help people lose weight. Studies have shown that these medications (like phentermine or Belviq), when combined with a medically supervised diet and exercise, can result in clinically significant weight loss.[5]
    • Clinically significant weight loss is a drop in weight that results in the improvement or resolution of co-morbid conditions like high blood pressure or sleep apnea.[5]
    • Your doctor will evaluate you for the appropriateness and safety of prescription weight loss medication. You will be required to follow up regularly and most likely meet with a registered dietitian and exercise specialist.
    • There are a variety of prescribed weight loss medications your doctor may choose. Most increase your energy and decrease appetite.[5]
    • Weight loss medications are generally not intended for long-term use. Therefore, it's important to make lifestyle changes to help support and maintain weight loss long-term.[5]

Supporting Weight Loss with Lifestyle

  1. Eat a nutritious diet. There is no magic bullet to weight loss. Even with diet pills, you'll need to modify your diet to help support and maintain weight loss.[4] Include appropriate servings and portions from each food group:
    • Include sources of lean protein at every meal. Serving sizes should be around 3-4 ounces or the size of a deck of cards. Include foods like: poultry, lean beef, eggs, low-fat dairy, seafood, legumes and tofu.[6]
    • Include six to eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One serving of fruit is about 1/2 cup or one small fruit and one serving of vegetables is 1 cup or 2 cups of leafy greens.[7][8]
    • Eat about two to three servings of grains. One serving is 1/2 cup or about 1 ounce.[9] If you can, make most of your grain choices whole grain for added health benefits. Choose: oats, quinoa, brown rice, or 100% whole wheat bread.
    • You should eat about three portions of dairy every day.[10] One serving of dairy is equivalent to 1 cup of milk, 1 ½ ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese.[10]
  2. Count calories or monitor portions. In addition to eating a healthy diet, its important to monitor portions or count calories to help induce weight loss.[4]
    • Each person will need a different amount of calories depending on their age, gender and activity level. However, to lose weight you may need to cut calories by about 500 calories daily. This generally results in a 1-2 pound weight loss per week.[11]
    • Measuring your portions can also help manage calories. Stick to smaller portions for less calories at each meal and snack. Take the time to measure the recommended portion sizes for protein, fruits, vegetables and grains.
    • Use a food diary or download a calorie-tracking app onto your smartphone.
  3. Limit sugary beverages. One source of calories that should be limited are those calories coming from sweetened or sugary beverages. These calories provide little to no nutrition and can lead to weight gain.[12]
    • Limit beverages like: regular soda, sweetened coffee drinks, sweetened tea, sports or energy drinks, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages that include these beverages as mixers.
    • Try to include as many clear, sugar-free fluids as possible. Try: water, flavored water, plain coffee, and tea.
  4. Exercise. Any weight loss plan needs exercise to succeed and be sustained.[11] Including regular exercise will support weight loss and help maintain your weight loss long-term.
    • It's recommended to include about 150 minutes or 2.5 hours of Choose an Exercise Program aerobic exercises each week. This means you should be sweating slightly, be moderately out of breath, and have a slightly elevated heart rate.[13]
    • Also include two days of strength training exercises for 20 minutes a session. Try to work most major muscle groups.[13]

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Sources and Citations