Use Idioms in IELTS Essay Writing

Idioms have a special role in essay writing. They play an essential part in writing and many writers use idioms to make the readers understand a topic in a humorous way. The flipside of using idioms is the usage of idioms without understanding the context and making the writing too verbose. Here are some steps to use them properly.


  1. Understand the point of idioms before trying to use them. Idioms are a style of artistic expression characteristic of a particular individual, school, period, or medium. They convey that the current situation has a resemblance with the past history. They are the best tools to make the writing more enjoyable and impressive.
  2. Use idioms in writing to make your work more focused and impressive. For example: "White Elephant". It means "an unprofitable investment". This idiom is used frequently to refer non-responsive government institutions. So a sentence that reads "this institution has become a white elephant to the municipal corporation” has clearly given the meaning that the institution has become a non-profitable institution for the municipal corporation. Such indirect reference in writing makes the article or essay lucid and convincing.
  3. Be aware that the use of idioms is given due importance and weight age in IELT writing. This means that learning key idioms and their usage can help scoring high in IELTS writing.
  4. Take care when using. Sometimes idioms are like a double-edged sword. Incorrect usage can result in a negative effect on your marks, so be sure to focus on learning the proper use of idioms during your IELTS exam preparation.


  • Overuse of idioms will only confuse the reader. Many readers may not understand what you have written.
  • You can use a maximum of 2 idioms in an essay with 250 words.
  • When you want to write a satire, use idioms.

Sources and Citations

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