Use Yoga Mudra for Thyroid Conditions
Many people throughout the world suffer from thyroid conditions. Luckily, many of these conditions are treatable. The most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Many practitioners of yoga believe that certain hand postures (mudras) can help improve thyroid health with regular practice. Mudras are simple movements that can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Always be sure to get a clinical diagnosis from your doctor before deciding on a treatment.
Practicing the Mudra
- Find a time and place to practice. Mudras can be done anywhere, anytime. However, you’ll need to keep your hands still throughout the practice.
- Watching TV or listening to the radio are great things to do while practicing a mudra. The length of the show can help you keep track of the time you spend in the mudra.
- Some practitioners believe that meditating while performing a mudra increases its benefits. So you may prefer to limit distractions.
- 30 minutes per day is recommended for maximum benefits.
- Choose the right mudra. There are many mudras. Each one corresponds to a different element of the body, and each performs a different function. There are several mudras that people practice for thyroid disorders.
- Use prana mudra for hyperthyroidism.
- Use prithvi mudra for hypothyroidism
- Bring the thumbs to touch the correct place. This is the base of most mudras. Relax the hands and let the thumbs touch the correct spot with gentle pressure. Strong pressure is not important. Let any other fingers relax.
- Always perform mudras with both hands at the same time.
- For prithvi mudra the thumb tip touches tip of ring finger.
- For prana mudra the thumb tip touches tips of ring finger and pinky together.
- Add other mudras if you desire. There are multiple mudras that can be practiced for thyroid health. You may add them whenever you want for additional benefits.
- Gyan mudra is also recommended for hypothyroidism. For this mudra, touch the thumb tip to the tip of the index finger.
- Vayu mudra is also recommended for hyperthyroidism. For this mudra, cross the thumb over the middle digit of your index finger.
- Continue to practice daily. Add or subtract mudras as needed. You can also increase the amount of time you spend in the mudras. However, always practice each mudra for 30 minutes, if possible. This can enhance the benefits. If you're going to add mudras, do not shorten the amount of time you spend in each one.
Adding Asanas
- Choose the right asana (yoga pose) for your condition. Yoga poses are great compliments to mudras. Many yoga poses are designed to encourage a healthy thyroid.
- Sarvangasana is highly recommended for thyroid health. This pose is also known as Shoulder Stand in Yoga. You can practice this pose for one to two minutes per day.
- Other useful poses are Halasana (plow pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Viparita Karani (Inverted Pose), Janu Sirsasana (One legged forward bend), Matsyasana (Fish Pose), Marjariasana (Cat Stretch), and Ushtrasana (camel pose). You can practice each of these poses for one to two minutes per day.
- Make sure your body is warmed up before attempting to stretch. Take it easy, and do your best. If the pose feels like a strain, do less.
- Combine asanas if desired. Yoga benefits the entire body. Taking a full yoga class can incorporate these poses with others. Most yoga classes are 60 to 90 minutes long. However, even practicing for a few minutes per day can provide benefits.
- Do-Pranayam. In addition to the yoga postures, you can add various breathing techniques to your practice. Try adding about 10 to 15 minutes of one or more breathing technique to your daily yoga practice, such as:
- Kapal Bhati also known as skull shining breathing technique, which is when you take in a slow deep breath through your nostrils pulling the breath into your chest and belly. Then, you expel the breath somewhat forcefully through your nostrils again.
- Nadi Shodhan also known as alternate nostril breathing, which is when you place one finger over your right nostril and breathe in and then switch your finger to the left nostril and breathe out.
Diagnosing your Condition
- Track your symptoms. Thyroid disorders can develop gradually, and the symptoms can be subtle.This can make diagnosis difficult. If you suspect you might have a thyroid disorder, keep track of your symptoms. If you have symptoms consistently for a few weeks, you may have a thyroid disorder.
- Hypothyroidism symptoms include muscular weakness, constant fatigue, a slow heartbeat, sensitivity to cold, and slow mental processing.
- Hyperthyroidism symptoms include a quick, strong heartbeat, muscular weakness, restlessness, anxiety, and weight loss despite a healthy appetite.
- Thyroid cancer is not very common but is still a concern. A notable symptom is a nodule (a localized swelling) in the thyroid gland.
- Take a questionnaire. Medical reference sites often contain questionnaires about symptoms. These questionnaires can help assess the likelihood that you have a thyroid disorder.
- Once you fill out a questionnaire, you can bring it to your doctor for a consultation.
- Seek a clinical diagnosis. Laboratory tests can be performed to confirm a thyroid disorder. Ask your doctor to have you tested for any likely disorders.
- Most patients who develop a lump or nodule in the thyroid actually have normal thyroid function. Laboratory tests can determine if nodules are malignant and need to be removed.
- Repeated laboratory tests can also help monitor a patient’s progress throughout treatment.
- Consult with your physician. Your doctor can advise you about the need medication or therapy beyond the practice of mudras. They might prescribe oral medication or other kinds therapy.
- Beta-blockers are commonly used to decrease symptoms of hyperthyroidism. These medications can take several months to take full effect and have possible side effects such as rashes on the skin and lower white blood cell counts.
- Some patients instead choose to have radioactive iodine-131 treatment.
- Thyroid cancer may require surgery. This can sometimes involve removal of the thyroid itself.
- Get advice on proper nutrition. When used in conjunction with your Yoga Mudra and medical treatments, proper nutrition may help to improve thyroid conditions. You can ask your doctor or visit a dietitian for some specific recommendations about what you should and should not eat.
- For hyperthyroid conditions, include berries, broccoli, foods rich in vitamin D and Omega 3’s, and lean meats such as turkey.
- Eat-Healthy-With-a-Hypothyroid-Condition, focus on fish, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, and beans.
- Practice the mudras and asanas consistently. This is said to bring the maximum benefits.
- Mudras come from ayurvedic teachings. According to ayurveda, changing your diet is a great compliment to the mudras and will increase the benefits.
- Thyroid conditions can be serious if left untreated. Always check with a medical professional for a clinical diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
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