Use Your Writing Skills to Earn a Living

Getting a job as a writer can be difficult. If you have the skills for it, it may look very appealing! Thankfully, it is possible to make a living out of being a writer, and this article can teach you how.


  1. Be able to write coherent sentences with proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling...if you can't, then this is not your thing!
  2. Start looking around online for opportunities to employ your skills helping businesses who need someone to manage their social media presence. If you understand social media, somewhat, that is great. Because most businesses do not...this makes you an expert compared to them!
  3. Find helpful tools, compendiums, resources, etc. to easily contact businesses about their needs. You can even "cold-call" smaller businesses in your town or city offering to help them develop and maintain an advertising or brand presence in social mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc.
  4. Negotiate a "no-cost" trial period of maybe a month to show the businesses what you can do for them in their postings to social media, ad placement on platforms such as FB or Twitter. It should be simple to show that being on social media will produce new and repeat customers.
  5. Show them the money! Here's the truth...businesses that can see that your social media expertise has produced paying customers will have no problem paying you to do it again and again. Then you can work out a salary or commission structure that benefits both of produce customers...they earn get paid!