Use a Caulking Gun
A caulking gun can be helpful when filling in cracks in your windows or your bathtub or other cracked areas of your home. It can be frustrating if you do not know how to correctly use the gun. It is easy and convenient once you know how.
Load the Tube of Caulk into the Gun
- Find the release trigger at the back of the gun. Press it with your thumb.
- Pull the plunger back.
- Place the tube of caulk in the gun. Make sure the nozzle is towards the front of the gun.
- Push the plunger back into place.
Use the Gun to Place the Caulk Where You Want It
- Cut a hole in the tip of the tube according to the size you need.
- Push a pin through the hole to puncture the seal.
- Hold the gun along the gap you are trying to seal. Aim for a 45-degree angle.
- Squeeze the trigger as you move the gun along the line you are sealing. Once you cannot squeeze any more, you can release the trigger and start again.
- How fast you move the gun as you are squeezing the trigger will determine how much caulk is applied; the faster you squeeze the trigger, the more caulk will be released.
- You can spread the caulk with your finger if you get too much on a spot.
Things You’ll Need
- Caulking gun
- Tube of caulk
- Cloth to wipe any spills