Use a Misbaha

A misbaha (an Arabic word) is a collection of beads used throughout the world by Muslims and Arab Christians to keep track of tasbih or dhikr (Arabic words for prayer). It is usually made of wooden beads but can also be made from ivory, pearls, and plastic. Misbaha also come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes; larger misbaha's include 99 beads and the smaller ones have 33. The number of beads is a helpful way of keeping track of the times a person glorifies God after prayer: the words "Allahu Akbar" (God is the greatest) Alhamdulillah (praise be to God) and SubHanAllah (Glory be to God). In the Arab world, misbahas are also used to reduce stress or indicate one's status in society.


Getting Started

  1. Purchase a misbaha. You can buy it online or in a store that is well-stocked with Arab adornments. Misbaha's come in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles, so choose one that appeals to you. It may look like a bracelet or necklace and can also be worn as one.
  2. Memorize the three main prayers to glorify God: Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulillah, and SubHanAllah. You will need to repeat each of these thirty-three times.

Using a Misbaha

  1. Hold the misbaha in your hand. Place the misbaha between your thumb and index, ensuring that you are at the "tail" of the misbaha.
  2. Begin by passing one bead through your two fingers whilst uttering the first prayer. Then, pass the second bead and repeat the same prayer. Do this thirty-three times for the first prayer (Allahu Akbar).
  3. Repeat the above steps with the second prayer (Alhamdulillah) thirty-three times.
  4. Repeat step two with the third prayer (SubHanAllah) but only thirty-three times.
  5. End your prayers by uttering the words la ilah ila Allah (there is no God but Allah).
  6. Put your misbaha away. It can be either put away in a shelf or drawer or worn around the neck or wrist.

Feeling Good about Yourself

  1. Always remember that you are making these small prayers to glorify God.
  2. Smile and remind yourself that you are gaining deeds with these simple reminders.