Use a Public Library
Has it been a while since you've been to the library? Yikes. If you haven't been for a while, something you're about to discover is that they are completely different from even ten years ago; whereas they were once a more or less dusty little room with books in it, at a "dead end," most libraries have been completely reinvented into vital community nodes.
They have become a place of gathering, momentum and fun – a place where you can nurture not just your love of reading but perhaps also where you'll meet new people, find out how to start your new business or immerse yourself in technology you were only dreaming about. For the library-shy or overly busy person who hasn't stepped in a library for ages, this article will get you caught up on what your local branch can do for you these days.
- Check out a book. Sure, they still loan out books, albeit with a few twists. For example, you'll find it's easier to get a copy of what you're looking for through better systems that allow for inter-library borrowing from libraries elsewhere, broadening the opportunities for locating all titles.
- Moreover, many public libraries are now providing access to books in electronic form. You may not even have to visit the library (beyond an initial visit to join) but can sit back at home and search for electronic books, key in your library number and password and enjoy the materials on your laptop, iPad or eReader.
- In the United States and some other jurisdictions, libraries are now tied in together, all the local county branches, as well as any community college or other libraries located in the county. Just do a title search on the library computer for any titles not physically there, put in an e-request, and magic library gnomes deliver your request to your branch in a couple of days. Genius.
- Check out – lots of other stuff. The library is now a Publish Your Multimedia Work zone, brimful of information in as many formats as formats have been created. If you think it's all about books, you really haven't been to the library in ages. You can borrow movies on DVDs, music on CDs, most popular magazines and some libraries even loan out toys and games.
- If the magazine you want isn't in stock, ask about the possibility of getting it in. If they're keeping a list of requests, it may happen once there are enough requests for it.
- Ask about online subscriptions to newspapers. This will get you around the subscription payments for a number of newspapers online and still ensure you access to your preferred reads.
- Online subscriptions can include journals, articles, newspapers, magazines, reports, booklets, eBooks, legislation, local ordinances or regulations, property information, templates or precedents for legal and other documents and more.
- Another source of library information includes readers advisories – these are created by librarians who will recommend new books/authors for you based on what you tell them you enjoy reading. There will often be lists of subject areas that you can collect for free.
- Get connected to the internet. It would be hard to find a library without a computer nowadays and most of them will provide some form of internet access, whether free or paid by time slots. You may need to use your library card for "time" on or simply purchase slots of time – ask the librarian for details.
- Just be sure to heed the usual copyright rules and don't download anything that is illegal because that will just get your library into trouble and could lead to restricted or no internet access, which would be really sad.
- As well as surfing online, you may be able to take online classes through the library. The library may even run its own online classes in certain subject areas – ask them. And if you're skilled in some area, maybe you can teach one to help other library visitors learn something new.
- Join targeted reading groups. Libraries will often hold reading group sessions targeted to the very young through to the senior citizen. In particular, you might find it really helpful to drop off a toddler for a half hour reading group while you sit quietly in a corner with a good book or perhaps you're wanting to learn a language or improve your English (ESL, English as a Second Language) and there are language groups happening that you could join.
- If you have difficulties reading or you're blind, ask about special reading opportunities for dyslexia, adult reading learners and braille as your library might be able to accommodate them.
- As well as reading groups, libraries often offer other groups including craft, art, bookmaking, computer classes, open source and wiki discussions, learning about other cultures, foods, etc., environmental awareness, games and more.
- Treat your local library as the place that expands your horizons and keeps you well informed. The library is a place where you can amble along at your own pace and read in a quiet corner or study amid a busy hub of students.
- The library is like a place of refuge whatever stage your life is at – it's a place to learn about anything at all whether you're going through a transition, finding a job, learning specific subjects, wanting to understand about your body and health, looking for new recipes and ways to keep house, getting DIY answers, learning about pets, discovering Choose a Volunteer Abroad Organization abroad, sinking into fiction, flipping through the latest fashions, and so forth.
- The beauty of the library is that it can always help to open up your world and opportunities by providing you access to information that is quality, varied and comes with a friendly helper in the form of the librarian.
- Ask about lunchtime or other seminars held or hosted by the library. Many libraries invite speakers and authors to come and talk about a topic they know well and it's usually for free. This can be a great way to catch up on the latest information about things that interest you.
- While the internet provides ample opportunities for exploration and retrieval of information, much of what is online is of dubious origin and accuracy. The library is the place where you can find a guide to your internet searches, including help on how to search online more effectively and finding ways to cut through the inexpert online advice to pinpoint which information online is trustworthy – it's as easy as asking your librarian to help.
- Encourage your children spend time discovering the library on a regular basis. Children who grow up loving books, information and all the other things a library has to offer are children who will be reassured that they can find answers to the questions they have through life by researching it for themselves.
- The sooner they feel comfortable searching for and absorbing information, the more likely they will be to embrace lifelong learning and the benefits that this assures them for a solid future. And be sure to let them see you enjoying the library too – that will impact them positively.
- See Teach Your Young Child About the Library and Raise a Child Who Loves to Read for more ideas.
- Build a Small Business Network using the help of your local library. If you're out of work or you're an already keen entrepreneur, your local library can become a launch space for your own business.
- You can find information on starting a small business or running a business in your library in the form of books and online information, plus many libraries will help you with locally supplied information about business management shared through Join the Chamber of Commerce, business bureaus and government entities.
- Some libraries will hold courses on small business matters, too; and some libraries may even be able to rent out office space by the hour if you need somewhere to meet new clients. Ask your local librarian to find out what's available to you.
- Many libraries will offer printing, faxing and database services that can be helpful to a person just starting up a new business.
- Consider volunteering at the library. If there are volunteer opportunities available and you're interested in library work, teaching or the sharing of information resources, a volunteer role might be just the thing you're looking for to become involved in library or information work.
- Find out what opportunities are available and if there aren't any, perhaps suggest some, such as teaching library clients how to Start a Project at wikiHow or how to write an eBook.
- In the USA, when you are looking for which library is your public library, you first need to find out which county, township, canton, city, or area that you both live in and pay taxes to. The territorial nature of library membership tends to apply in many other jurisdictions as well and so you'll need proof of residency as well as ID for yourself when joining up. Some libraries will also check annually or biannually to see if you're still living in the same area.
- There are usually limits on amounts of books and audio-visual items that you can borrow. Be aware of these limits.
- You'll (hopefully) find that everyone working at your local branch library is laid back, helpful, and open – perhaps not at all like what may still reside in your mind as "what a librarian" is (or used to be). These branches have become vital community nodes. However, if your branch doesn't sound like what's described here, ask the librarian if your suburb, county, state or province has plans to become a more up-to-date branch, or find out how you can help to get your branch more up-to-date.
- Libraries do not keep a record of what you have checked out and will not tell you what anyone else has checked out (this includes spouses and children) with out written consent or the other person being there. This means that you can borrow without worrying that someone else will try snooping around to find out what you've borrowed.
- If you lose your library card, you are still responsible for anything that happens on your account. So, if your card is used by someone else and they keep those materials, you are responsible for paying those fees. Solution: as soon as you notice that your card is missing, visit your library and tell them. The librarians can deactivate your card number and get you a replacement so that the old card is no longer able to be used.
- Overdue fees are more than what they used to be; be sure to return those borrowings on time. Also find out what is required to obtain extensions. If you can check your account on-line, do so. This will make sure that the materials that you returned are taken off your account and you are not charged a late or lost fee for materials you have returned.
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