Use a UHF Radio

UHF radio is a short-range communication band. The radio waves in this band are compact, making them ideal for speaking in tight spaces such when inside a building. They are less useful for long-distances or outdoor areas with broad obstacles like trees, rocks, and walls. To use UHF, tune your radio to frequencies around 460-470 MHz. Select a radio channel, being careful to avoid ones that aren’t reserved or licensed. Press the transmission button to make your voice heard to anyone using the same channel.


Operating a UHF Radio

  1. Choose a radio tuned to UHF frequencies. UHF is a large band from 300 MHz to 3 GHz, but specific frequencies in it are available for public use, depending on where you live. Check the labeling on the packaging before purchase. UHF devices, including handheld radios, will automatically be set to use this frequency. Larger radios may be able to reach frequencies outside the UHF band.[1]
    • In America, Family Radio Service (FRS) and General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) channels exist between frequencies 462-467 MHz.[2]
    • In Australia and New Zealand, the Citizen’s Band Radio (CB) is between 476.4250–477.4125 MHz.[2]
    • If necessary, you can get an antenna compatible with those frequencies. Find them online or at electronics stores.
  2. Turn on the radio and choose a channel. Turn the tuner dial on your radio. You’ll have to tune into a specific frequency to use it. The UHF channels are 12 kH apart from each other and can be found by gradually adjusting your dial. Your device might instead have buttons to flip up and down channels. The UHF frequency is divided into 80 channels, depending on your area.[3]
    • The GMRS channels exist on many of the same frequencies as free FRS channels, but you need a radio capable of GMRS. GMRS requires a license to use.
    • For example, tune into 462.5625, (channel one) for a shared FRS/GMRS channel.
  3. Push the transmission button to talk. Anyone who has seen a walkie talkie will have an idea of how to operate UHF radio. Press down the transmission button. Speak into the speaker, which can be found on the face of a handheld radio. On larger radios, use the handheld microphone attached to the radio by cord. When you speak, your voice will be sent out on the channel you’ve chosen. Anyone tuned to that channel will hear. By letting go of the button, your radio stops transmitting.
  4. Follow proper radio etiquette. A large part of etiquette is being polite. Don’t interrupt others unless you have an emergency. Invent a unique call sign, which can be anything you want besides your name. Use call signs to respond to others and state yours every ten minutes or so to check if your radio is still in range of others. Keep your sentences clear and to the point.[4]
    • Use “clear” or “over and out” when your conversation is finished to indicate that others can use the channel.
    • Learn other radio commands such as “break, break, break” for an emergency. Learn the international alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) as well for spelling out words, which will help in an emergency.
    • Some stations are reserved for specific uses. In Australia and New Zealand, channel 11 is for establishing contact with someone. Once you reach them, move to another channel.

Choosing a Radio Channel

  1. Find out if you need a license for some channels. Check your government’s rules before using the radio. Currently, in America, you need an FCC-issued license to utilize GMRS channels 1-7. These channels use radios that operate on half a watt of power or more, which gives them additional range. Some areas may charge for radio usage by businesses or have other requirements.[2]
    • Using channels 1-7 is commonly a problem for dual FRS/GMRS radios. When you flip to channels 8-14, your radio will work under the half a watt limit. Stick to those channels for license-free usage.
  2. Avoid channels that require a license. In America, channels 1-7 are currently reserved for licensed GMRS transmissions. Channels 8-14 are free FRS channels for civilian use. 15-22 are shared between GMRS and FRS.[3]
    • Under Australian and New Zealand’s CB system, you do not need a license.
  3. Avoid reserved channels. Some channels are designated to serve specific functions. Others are frequented by local groups of people and are better avoided if you wish to keep your conversations more individual and private. Check the area for channel usages.
    • For example, in Australia and New Zealand, 5 and 35 are used for emergencies. In America, some areas may use 9.[5]
    • CB radio users also tend to keep 1-8 open for ranged communication, 10 for clubs and park guests, 11 for locating someone else, and 40 for truckers.[1]
  4. Put in a privacy code when public channels are full. Privacy codes are useful when public channels are too busy. Your radio may have a setting that allows you to choose a code, such as a second channel input button. Set your channel first before picking a code. When you set a code, your radio will tune out all the chatter on that channel besides that from people using the same code.[6]
    • Different manufacturers have different codes. For example, Motorola uses codes 1-38, all leading to different frequencies.[7]
    • Privacy channels aren’t private. Anyone who is on the standard channel you chose will hear you. You won’t hear them because they aren’t using the privacy code.

Sources and Citations