Use a Webcam to Spy on People
So you walk down your driveway to get today's newspaper, only to find that the sidewalk is covered with beer cans - again! You don't want to be blamed for it, so you quickly clean them up, fuming with anger. You want to catch these litterers in the act! But how? You are on a low budget, so you quickly discard any ideas about purchasing a security camera. But the answer has nothing to do with expensive camera systems, or the Neighborhood Watch. The answer lies in that webcam your cousin bought you for Christmas that you never use. Until now.
- Purchase a webcam (if you don't already have one).
- Download Dorgem. Dorgem is a (free) program that can be set to take pictures when motion is detected. I will not explain it in full, because it has a "Help" section. The link is located at the bottom of this page.
- After you have installed Dorgem, and set it up for motion detection, and position the webcam where you want it to monitor.
- Hide the webcam somewhere so the person doesn't find out.
- Find your proof!
- Hide the webcam! You don't want to have a laptop with a webcam or picture taking technology on it sitting on your porch because the person may steal the camera or not do what they were doing since you'll get them into trouble.
- Find out when the person does their activity. Sometimes, it varies. But for example, if you see them doing this at a certain time, that's when you put out the webcam. If one day they're doing the activity at different times then keep it out all day until you got your proof. If they go out at night, put it out around noon in case it changes, if they go out really early, keep it out overnight.
- See if you know the person. If you do, then you can save time and simply just tell them to stop. If they won't stop, then you pull out the webcam.
- Only do this if it's very important! Putting this out in somebody's home, or for inappropriate purposes, they will find out and you can be arrested.
- Before showing authority, or police, tell them why you spied. Going up to them and saying, "Look what they did!" they may be like, "what the heck?"
- This isn't always legal. Before you try this, consider asking your local police, or checking laws in your area. If this person finds out, they will call the police. It depends on why your spying, if it's for good reasons like they're littering, or robbing houses, go ahead. To watch a person's house, or see what people talk about, that's bad.
- Placing a webcam in a washroom or a similar area is illegal almost universally.
Things You'll Need
- Webcam
- Computer
- Dorgem
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