Use the Console in The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

The console is a powerful tool with which you can manipulate the game world to your liking. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Yours is to learn how to use the console before you screw something up badly. But don't be intimidated - it really isn't that hard to learn if you only do a few at a time.


  1. Understand that if you can't just click on an object to select it, you must use an object's ID in the console rather than its name. The name is what you see when you look at the object in the game. The ID is what you see when you click on it with the console. You should also understand that the game doesn't load every place at once because that would make the game really slow. Each house (and sometimes separate rooms) are a little separate world of their own, called a 'cell.' Some examples of interior cells: 'Balmora, Dorisa Darvel: Bookseller' 'Seyda Neen, Fargoth's House' 'Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Fighter's Guild.' The outside of the world is also divided into exterior cells. Exterior cells don't necessarily have unique names. Balmora, for example, is actually four separate cells.
  2. Open the console and start the game by pressing the key to the left of the '1' on your keyboard. On a standard QWERTY keyboard, this is '~' (or '¬' in the UK version). You may right-click outside the console to continue playing with the console open. However if you do this you will not be able to type in the console while playing.
  3. Selecting an object will tell the console to set THIS character's stats or to add 15 bottles to THIS crate. To select an object, open the console and click on it. If you are unable to click on it, you must know its ID to use the console on it, and type it like this: object_id->command. To select the player, either hit 'tab' to switch to third-person view and click on yourself, or type player->command.
  4. Note that there are several different types of console commands:
    • Toggle commands. These turn various modes and options of the game on and off.
    • GetVariable, SetVariable and ModVariable commands<b>. These will show and set the player or other characters' stats to a given number.
    • <b>Show and Set commands. Similar to the above, but used for global variables. A global variable is a numerical value used to identify a number of things and changed using scripts or dialogue.
    • AddItem and RemoveItem commands. These add items to the inventory of the selected character, creature or container.
    • AddSpell and RemoveSpell commands. These add spells to characters' or creatures' magic menus.
    • GetPos and SetPos commands. These tell where objects are on the X, Y and Z axes, and allow you to put them in different places on these axes.
    • Disable and Enable commands. These remove objects from the game, and place them back in the game if you decide to keep them.
    • PlaceAt commands. These place a new object in the game world, the exact position based off coordinates relative to the selected object.
    • PositionCell commands. These actually move objects besides the player to a certain position in another cell.
    • CenterOnCell and CenterOnExterior commands. These will instantly teleport the player to other places in the game.
    • TestCells commands. These teleport the player to each cell in alphabetical order.
    • AI commands. These are used on creatures and characters to make them do things.
    • ChangeWeather commands. These allow you to change the weather for a given region.
    • Journal commands. These will allow you to manipulate your character's journal. All journal entries have index numbers and journal topics. You must know both to use these commands.
    • Other commands. Commands that don't fit in any other category.
  5. Toggle Commands: These are used to turn settings on and off in the game. Most of them have short forms (eg. ToggleDebugText = TBT). To use these commands, type a command or its short form into the console and press 'enter.' It will return with a small line to tell you whether you've just turned the setting on or off. To turn it off, type the same command again.
    • ToggleBorders - This toggles the borders between exterior cells. The borders show up as glowing yellow and black lines on the ground. This is useful if you're way out in the wilderness but technically still in a town and need to sleep as you are allowed to sleep as soon as you are past the borders, even if it didn't tell you you're out of the town. You can also use 'TB' for this command.
    • ToggleCollision - This will allow you to walk anywhere. You will walk in whatever direction you are pointed, even straight up or through the floor. You can also use 'TC' for this command.
    • ToggleCollisionBoxes - This toggles boxes that appear around objects to show you where the collision begins for the objects. (Think of it this way: the invisible boxes were already there, but now you can see them.) You can also use 'TCB' for this command.
    • ToggleDebugText - This toggles whether the game displays debugging information on the screen. You can also use 'TDT' for this command.
    • ToggleFogOfWar - This toggles the 'blackness' covering areas of the map that you have not yet covered. You can also use 'TFOW' for this command.
    • ToggleFullHelp - This will allow you to see stats of an object not regularly seen during the game, such as who owns it or what script it has on it. You can also use 'TFH' for this command.
    • ToggleGodMode - This will allow you to be 'invincible.' Creatures and people, if they attack you, will not be able to hit you. You can also use 'TGM' for this command.
    • ToggleKillStats - This toggles the option of being able to see stats for kills when you open a console. It will tell you what you killed and how many creatures you have killed in the whole game. You can also use 'TKS' for this command. See 'ToggleStats.'
    • ToggleMenus - This will turn off the menus. This includes the small things you see while playing the game, the menus you see after 'pausing,' the list you get after hitting Esc, and the console. To turn them on again, hit the console button twice. You can also use 'TM' for this command.
    • TogglePathGrid - This toggles whether or not path grids are displayed. Path grids are programmed into the game for non-player characters to walk on when they are not attacking. You can also use 'TPG' for this command.
    • ToggleSky - This will turn on or off the weather, the sun, the moons, the sky texture, night and day... and replaces the sky with a blank black hole. You can also use 'TS' for this command.
    • ToggleStats - This does ToggleKillStats, ToggleDialogueStats, ToggleMagicStats, and ToggleCombatStats simultaneously. You can also use 'TS' for this command.
    • ToggleWireFrame - This changes whether or not you see textures of an object, or just the meshes. Think of it this way: Each object is a wire mesh covered by a texture. You can also use 'TWF' for this command.
    • ToggleWorld - This toggles whether or not the game renders anything other than the player. In non-techie speak: it makes everything but the player invisible, including the ground. All you can see is the sky and if you look down really far, water. You can also use 'TW' for this command.
  6. GetVariable, SetVariable and ModVariable commands: These will allow you to view and change stats for the player and other characters. The numbers displayed are the same as those you see when you pause the game and see what your skills are, for example your Alchemy might be 28, if you're an amateur, or 78, if you're a professional alchemist. To use these commands, select the person whose variable you wish to see or change and type GetVariable or SetVariable #. For example, GetIllusion will display a character's illusion skill, SetIllusion 50 will set a character's illusion to 50, and ModIllusion 10 will raise a character's illusion skill by 10 points (you can also use negative numbers).
    While you can change all the numerical stats that you see on your own menu, for non-player characters you can also change:
    • Disposition - how much they like you. When you talk to them, the blue bar above the list of topics to talk about is their disposition. It can range from 0 to 100.
    • Fight - how likely they are to attack you.
    • Flee - how likely they are to run away from you.
    • Alarm - how likely they are to freak out if you steal something.
    • Hello - maximum distance from them you can be before they turn to you and say hello. ('Hello' may not necessarily mean 'hello,' they may say 'What is this regarding, [player's race]?' or 'I'm a busy guy, so if you could hurry this up' or 'Keep moving' or a few hundred other things.
    • Health - GetHealth will return how much health the character currently has. SetHealth will set the character's maximum health to a certain number, and set their current health to that number. ModHealth raises the character's current health by that number.
    • Magicka - functions the same as Health, only with fatigue.
    • Fatigue - functions the same as Health or Magicka, only with fatigue.
    • BlightDisease - 1 if the creature/character has a blight disease, 0 if not
    • CommonDisease - 1 if the creature/character has a common disease, 0 if not
    • Scale - decimal number for how large the object is compared to how large it is by default. 1 is default.
    • Chameleon - percentage for how much 'chameleon' effect the creature/character currently has.
    • Paralysis - 1 if the creature/character is paralyzed, 0 if not
    • Resist_____ - like ResistBlight, ResistFrost, etc. This is how resistant the object is to a specific thing.
    • WaterBreathing 1 if the creature/character can breathe water, 0 if not
    • WaterWalking - 1 if the creature/character can walk on water, 0 if not
    • Invisible - 1 if the creature/character is invisible, 0 if not
    • Examples: "caius cossades"->setdisposition 100, player->setspeechcraft 100
  7. Show and Set commands: These display and change global variables. You do not need to select anything. Type show glob_var or set glob_var to #. Glob_var means the global variable to be set and the # represents what you will set it to.
    • Examples: show glob_var, set glob_var to 21.
  8. AddItem and RemoveItem commands: These add and remove items to and from the selected object's inventory. This only works for containers, creatures and characters. First, you must select the container, creature or character whose inventory you will add or remove the object to or from. Then, type AddItem object_id # or RemoveItem object_id # and hit 'Enter'. The # will be how many objects you wish to add or remove.
    • Examples: "caius cossades"->additem light_com_candle_08 1, player->additem gold_001 5, "divayth fyr"->removeitem "daedric dagger" 1
  9. AddSpell and RemoveSpell commands: These add and remove spells to the selected character or creature. These are similar to AddItem and RemoveItem, only you do not need to add the number of spells as it is only one spell. You must select an object, then type AddSpell spell_id or RemoveSpell spell_id.
    • Examples: player->addspell "balyna's soothing balm", "edwinna elbert"->removespell "dragon skin"
  10. GetPos and SetPos commands: These show and change the location of an object on the x, y, or z axis. Think of x and y like longitude and latitude, and z like altitude. Select an object and type getpos a. However, 'a' in this example must be replaced by x, y, or z to show the axis that you mean. This will return a number that is the object's location on whichever axis you typed. To change the axis, select an object and type setPos a #. (Again, 'a' must be replaced with x, y, or z.)
    • Examples: furn_bone_skull_01->setPos z 2048, misc_uni_pillow_01->getPos y
  11. Disable and Enable commands: These remove an object from the world, and put it back if you decided to keep it. To disable an object, select it and type Disable. To enable it again, make sure it is still selected and type Enable. You cannot enable objects unless they have been disabled first.
    • Examples: "dorisa darvel"->disable immediately followed by "dorisa darvel"->enable
  12. PlaceAt commands: These place new objects in the current cell relative to other objects. First you must select an object to base the new object's position off of, then type PlaceAtMe object_id # x# y# z#. The first number will be how many objects you wish to place. Usually this is 1 or you'll get a number of new objects that are all on the same spot. The x#, y# and z# mean how far from the original object along each axis the new object will appear. You can also use PlaceAtPC object_id, # x# y# z# to place objects in the game relative to the player.
    • Examples: PlaceAtPC scamp_creeper 1 256 0 0, scamp_creeper->PlaceAtMe "Imperial Guard" 1 0 0 0
  13. PositionCell commands: These will place an object already in the world into a certain place in a certain cell. You must select an object to move, then type PositionCell x# y# z# rotation "Cell Name". For convenience, you don't have to set the rotation of the object and can type 0 instead. In this example, the x#, y# and z# represent the position along the x, y and z axes the object will appear.
    • Examples: Player->PositionCell 2816.406 7016.756 4306.963 180 "Ashmelech"
  14. CenterOnCell and CenterOnExterior commands: These will teleport the player immediately to the center of any cell in the game. There is not much difference between the two commands except that CenterOnExterior will only work for exterior cells. To do this: type CenterOnCell "Cell Name". You may also type 'COC' or 'COE' for these commands.
    • Examples: centeroncell "Caldera, Shenk's Shovel"
  15. TestCells commands: These will teleport the player quickly through different cells in the game. To use these, type TestCells, TestInteriorCells, or TestThreadCells. TestCells will teleport the player to each cell in alphabetical order. TestInteriorCells will do the same, but will only use interior cells. TestThreadCells will only do exterior cells, in random (?) order. You may also type StopCellTest or SCT while the tests are going on to stop them.
  16. AI commands: these are used to manipulate the AI of characters and creatures. You use these commands by selecting a character to command, then typing the command. There are a number of different AI commands:
    • AIWander - These are written like this: AIWander # # #. These cause the character to wander randomly on path grids. The first number is how far from the location they are now the character will wander. The second number represents how long they will do this for before moving on to the next thing they have to do. (To make them wander like this infinitely, just type '0'.) The third number will say what specific time in the game they will start doing this. (To make them start immediately, use a 0.) Additional numbers may be stuck to the end of this command for what chance they have to stop and do each of the 'idle' motions -- scratching their head, staring at their hands, etc. This will allow you to do idles 2 through 9. If the character has an animation (such as the dancing girls at Desele's in Suran), this will be Idle 9. If these are all set to 0, or simply left out of the command, they will do NO idle motions and will constantly walk around without stopping.
    • AIFollow - This will make the character/creature follow a certain character/creature to a certain place. First, select the object that will be following another object and type AiFollow object_ID # x# y# z#. Object_ID is the ID of the character or creature that the selected one will follow. The first number is how long they'll follow for and the last three are the xyz coordinates at which they will stop following the object.
    • AITravel - This makes the selected charactr creature/character travel to a certain place within the cell. You must type AITravel x# y# z#. The three numbers are the xyz coordinates to the destination.
    • AIEscort - Works like AIFollow, except you select the person/creature that will be followed and input the person/creature that will follow.
    • AIEscortCell - This will allow AIEscort to work in different cells. (However, you must start in an exterior cell and the destination must be an exterior cell.) The command is AIEscortCell object_ID “Cell Name” # x# y# z#. It's just like AIEscort, except that it has the cell name in the middle of it.
  17. ChangeWeather commands: These will change the weather for a certain region. You must know the names of the regions to change the weather. Regions are things like 'West Gash Region', 'Bitter Coast Region', etc. All cities and towns also have region IDs, which you cannot see in the game so you will have to just guess based upon the area they're in. This is what you must type: ChangeWeather "Region" #. The number will mean:
    • 0 = Clear
    • 1 = Cloudy
    • 2 = Foggy
    • 3 = Overcast
    • 4 = Rain
    • 5 = Thunder
    • 6 = Ash
    • 7 = Blight
  18. Journal commands: These will allow you to alter the player's journal. You must know the Journal ID and the index number in order to use these commands. To find these out, you need to look in the Construction Set.
    • GetJournalIndex - This will tell you the index number of the most recent journal entry of this index. Type this: GetJournalIndex journal_ID.
    • Journal or SetJournalIndex - these will add another journal entry. You must type this: Journal journal_ID # or SetJournalIndex journal_ID #. The # is the index number of the journal entry.
  19. Other commands: These are commands that don't quite fit into any other categories.
    • FillJournal - This will give the player every journal entry in the game. Be warned as this takes awhile and it will make the quests of the game unplayable afterwards.
    • FillMap - This will show all towns, cities, unique cells etc. on the world map.
    • FixMe - This moves the player 128 units forward. Useful if you get 'stuck'.
    • FadeTo # - This will fade the screen to black. The number is the percent that is black.
    • ResetActors - This will put all non-player characters at their starting positions with the original AI.
    • StartCombat char_ID - This makes the selected character or creature attack the character or creature stated in char_ID.
    • equip object_ID - Forces the selected character to equip the object. They must have one in their inventory for this to work.
    • Goodbye - Forces the PC to exit dialogue.
    • Drop object_ID - Makes the selected object drop the object_ID.
    • Face x# y# - Makes the creature or character look towards the xy coordinates for a moment.
    • ForceGreeting - Makes the selected character talk to you, regardless of what cell you're in or how far away you are.
    • ForceJump - Forces the selected character to jump in place. To fix this, type ClearForceJump.
    • ForceMoveJump - Forces the selected character to jump instead of walk. To fix this, type ClearForceMoveJump.
    • ForceRun - Forces the selected character to run instead of walk. To fix this, type </b>ClearForceRun.</b>
    • ForceSneak - Forces the selected character to sneak instead of walk. To fix this, type ClearForceSneak.
    • GetSquareRoot # - Calculates the square root of the number.
    • Lock # - Locks the selected door or container. The number represents the lock level.
    • Unlock - Unlocks the selected door or container.
    • Random # - Generates a random number between 0 and # + 1.
    • EnableRaceMenu - Opens the race/appearance selection screen. However this will often make you equip random things. Make sure you save beforehand.


  • To get to the test cells: coc toddtest, coc "character stuff wonderland", coc "Clutter Warehouse -- Everything Must Go!
  • If you type a cell ID, object ID, spell ID, variable, attribute etc. with spaces, it must have "quotes" around it or it will only count the first word. Eg. "caius cossades"->additem ingred_willow_anther_01 1 will add one Willow Anther to Caius Cossades's inventory, but caius cossades->additem ingred_willow_anther_01 1 will cause the game to try to add one Willow Anther to the inventory of an object called 'Caius,' which, of course, doesn't exist in the unmodded game. You will get an error message, and Caius Cossades will not get any Willow Anther.
  • To get a creature or NPC to stop attacking you: select and StopCombat immediately followed by SetFight 0.
  • To select an object, you must be in the same cell. When using the object_id-> method, there must be only one object with that ID in the cell.
  • Commas between separate words in a command may be used with no ill effects. (Ex. placeAtPC, "Caius Cossades", 1, 128, 0, 180 will work the same as placeAtPC "Caius Cossades" 1 128 0 180.
  • RemoveSpell also works for diseases.
  • To get more time to make a decision in dialogue: Goodbye when the choice appears. However, make sure that you did not get a journal entry when asked the choice or this will break the quest.
  • To raise an army of evil skeleton zombies: PlaceAtPC "Skeleton_summon" 1 128 0 0, repeat until you have all the ones you want, select and AiFollow player 0 0 0 0 on each of them
  • You can get the ID of an object by a) looking in the Construction Set or b) finding the object in the game and selecting it in the console, then remembering the ID that will appear at the top of the console box.
  • The console is NOT case-sensitive, meaning 'SetVariable' works like 'setvariable' which works like 'SeTvArIaBlE'.


  • Messing with the journal can block you from completing quests.
  • ToggleCollision works for other characters as well, and people may walk through walls and get stuck.
  • AddItem and RemoveItem will affect every object in the game with the same ID. For example, every Ash Slave is called 'ash_slave', and if you give one Ash Slave a Daedric Longsword, every Ash Slave will now have a Daedric Longsword. The same applies to AddSpell and RemoveSpell.
  • Changing the Fight, Flee, Alarm, and Hello of an object will also change every object in the game with the same ID. For example, making the Ash Slave used in the above have l33t longsword skillz by changing its Long Blade skill to 100 will make every Ash Slave have l33t longsword skillz.
  • Saying 'Goodbye' while making choices will sometimes block you from completing quests if there is a journal entry you get when presented with the choice.
  • Never save after using PlaceAt commands to create a duplicate of yourself. This will cause problems with the game.

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