Vacuum a Room

Do you have a messy room? Is it filled with dust and whatnot? Vacuum it!


  1. Walk through where you are going to clean first, to see all the things that need to be moved and make a mental note of walls and door locations.
  2. Move any objects that require moving. (Toys, bed sheets, pieces of paper, etc.)
  3. Position the vacuum dial to the correct setting, if applicable. A bare floor or low carpet setting should be used on any floors, such as floorboards, tile, etc. Depending on the thickness of your carpet, you may switch it from a low carpet to "high carpet" setting.
  4. Plug in your vacuum cleaner and turn it on.
  5. Move your vacuum cleaner in a forward and backward movement slowly.
  6. Push your vacuum around unmovable obstacles. (Desks, tables, beds, etc.)
  7. When you are done, turn off the vacuum and unplug it.
  8. Move any things that were moved to their original location.
  9. Store the vacuum cleaner and congratulate yourself for cleaning somewhere in your house.


  • If the vacuum cleaner gets hard to push, try to tilt it back a little so only the rear wheels are touching the ground.
  • If you have curtains that hang down, take them off or tie them up so the vacuum doesn't suck it in as well.
  • When the vacuum gets really hard to push or stops sucking, it's time to change the bag.
  • If it's really dusty in the room, wear a mask so you won't have to breathe it in.


  • Watch out for things like socks that can clog up the vacuum.
  • Watch out for walls sometimes if you hit the wall hard enough, it might break and you may have to work extra hard just to make enough money to buy a new one.

Things You'll Need

  • A vacuum cleaner
  • A room to clean

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