Wash Your Hairbrush

It's important to keep your hairbrush clean. This is a simple, fuss-free way to clean your hairbrush.


  1. Take a plug and plug your sink.
  2. Fill the sink with hot water.
  3. Pour a couple drops of shampoo.
  4. Use your hairbrush and stir the water so it is bubbly.
  5. Dip the hairbrush in the water.
  6. Wait 30 minutes.
  7. Unplug the plug.
  8. Take out any hair that is left on the hairbrush. The shampoo and hot water should have loosened any hairs.
  9. Rinse with cool water.
  10. There you go- completely clean!


  • You can also do this in a large bowl.
  • Don't take out the hair over your sink. It may clog your sink.


  • There are germs in the sink, so consider washing the brush under hot water.

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