Wash Your Panties in the Sink

You're here because, for whatever reason, you need/want to wash your panties in the sink. In this case, this is the best thing to read. Have fun!


  1. Make your sink so that the water won't flow down the drain.
  2. Pour some body wash and liquid detergent into the sink.
  3. Make sure you have the right kind of the fabric wash. For example, if these are white panties, you don't want one designed for dark clothes.
  4. Use about 2 and a half tablespoons of body wash and detergent combined.
  5. Try to have a balance of 25% body wash and 75% liquid detergent.
  6. Leave panties to soak for 30 minutes through 2 hours, depending on how dirty the panties are.
  7. After panties have soaked, hand wash them with some bar soap, preferably the kind you use, or are used to.
  8. Make sure to be reasonably rough, depending on the fabric the panties are made of.
  9. Remove panties from sink.
  10. Drain the sink.
  11. Thoroughly rinse panties with water from the sink.
  12. Let them air dry by hang them up on a rack in your bathroom.
  13. Enjoy your clean panties!


  • Be sure your sink is clean before you do this.
  • Make sure you don't have an allergic reaction to any of the soaps and detergents you use!
  • This will not work with panties that are seriously stained.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric Wash (see sources and citations)
  • Body Wash
  • Bar of soap that you use to wash yourself
  • A bathroom sink
  • Dirty panties that need to be washed

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