Wear Navy Pants

Navy pants can be incorporated into both casual and formal outfits. First, pick a slim-fitted pair of pants that fits your body type. Then, add an appropriate top. Navy pants can be paired with both light and dark clothing. Accessorize form there, adding jewelry, layers, and appropriate footwear.


Selecting and Adjusting Your Pants

  1. Opt for a slim fit design. Navy pants look best when they're slim-fitted. Go for form-fitted navy pants over baggier designs. While skinny jeans may not be necessary, pick pants that are a tighter fit overall.[1]
    • Fitted designs work well for formal outfits paired with things like dressy tops and blazers.
  2. Choose your length. Navy pants come in varying lengths, like any types of pants. Think about whether you want something that goes down to your shoes or something shorter, such as capris.
    • Something like capris may be more comfortable for warmer months, while longer pants work better for cooler months.
  3. Decide whether to cuff the pants. If you're wearing navy pants for a formal occasion, do not cuff the pants. This can look too casual. Leave the pants on the longer side, avoiding cuffing them, for a formal look.[1] If you're wearing navy pants for a more casual occasion, roll the pants upward to cuff them until they're at your desired length.[2]
    • If your pants are too long but you don't want to cuff them, you can take them to a tailor to have them hemmed. You can also hem them yourself by folding the fabric bottom of each leg inward and then stitching it.[2]
    • If you cuff your pants, do not roll them more than two or three times, as this can create a bulky look.

Choosing an Accompanying Shirt

  1. Opt for a top of a different texture. In general, you should create variation with textures when wearing navy pants. If you're wearing cotton navy pants, for example, do not wear a cotton top. Wear a denim or leather top instead. This is particularly important when wearing colors similar to navy, like black, as this helps create contrast.[2]
  2. Pair navy and white for a classic look. Navy pants with a white top, especially something like a polo shirt or an oxford t-shirt, is great for a classic look.[1] It's a versatile look as well. When paired with something like a blazer or suit jacket, you can wear this to a formal occasion. For a more casual outing, just wear the shirt and pants with more casual shoes, like tennis shoes.
  3. Try burgundy and navy. Burgundy and navy look great together. If you're struggling to find a top that goes well with your navy pants, grab something burgundy.[3] You can wear a burgundy sweater, a burgundy polo shirt, a burgundy blouse, or any other burgundy top you like.
    • Burgundy is a darker, more somber color so it can work great for formal occasions.
  4. Pair navy pants with a striped top. Stripes can add some darker colors without blending too much into the pants. If you want to add a splash of black or green to your outfit, for example, go for a white shirt with black or green stripes instead of a solid colored top. This can pair great with navy pants and create a cute look for a variety of occasions.[3]
    • Both formal and informal clothing come in stripes, so you should be able to find striped outfits for either occasion when shopping.
  5. Use some overlapping if you're using a darker top. If you want a darker top, like something dark green or black, pick something that overlaps a little. A little layering will help prevent the clothes from blending together too much.[2]
    • If you're wearing a black top, for example, go for a longer top that spills down towards the hips of your pants when wearing it with navy.[4]

Adding Accessories

  1. Choose the right footwear. The shoes you wear with navy pants depend on the situation. For the most part, neutral colors like browns, blacks, and grays pair best with navy pants.
    • Brown leather shoes go great with navy pants, for both formal and informal occasions. Oxford shoes, Chelsea boots, or brogues also look nice with navy.[1]
    • If your pant legs are a little looser, heels can be paired with navy.[2] This can work for both casual and formal outings.
  2. Layer navy pants with a matching navy blazer or suit jacket. If you want to add a splash of formality, go for a blazer or suit jacket. Wear it over something like a dress top with your navy pants. Match the pants with a jacket or blazer in the same shade of navy.[1]
    • A slim-fitted blazer of jacket goes best with navy pants.
  3. Create layers with cardigans. If you want something more casual, try layering with cardigans. A loose-fitted cardigan can be worn over a top with navy pants to add some color to an outfit for a more casual look. A cardigan can also be great on a cooler day.
    • Try going for a light colored cardigan, in a shade like light brown, gray, or tan. This can add some variation to your look. You can also try a cardigan with a pattern like stripes or polka dots to add some flare.[5]
  4. Add color with jewelry. Navy pants are often paired with darker colored tops. If your outfit feels too dark, try using your jewelry to add some color.
    • Try wearing turquoise jewelry over a burgundy top.[3]
    • Try something like a gold or silver necklace over a dark purple top.
    • White pairs with most colors, so white jewelry can brighten up a darker outfit.

Sources and Citations

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