Welcome New Church Members
Most churches are happy to open their doors to new members. It is important for new church members to feel like they have made the right choice, and churches will want visitors and members to be comfortable in their church home. Welcome new church members by being accessible, hospitable, and helpful in connecting them to other people and groups within the church.
- Make a good first impression. New members may be unsure of themselves when they first come to church. Make sure there are plenty of signs that direct people to where they need to go for services, offices, childcare and parking. Keep the grounds and the buildings clean and presentable.
- Send a welcome letter. When a new member joins the church, a letter from the pastor or a welcoming committee is a good way to make them feel supported and welcomed. The letter can express the church's gratitude that they have joined, and provide helpful information on who to contact for which needs, service times, special events and other announcements.
- Remember to greet them properly. Always be intentional about saying hello and goodbye when new members come to services or events. Greeters and ushers should wear name tags and be prepared to help or answer questions. Escort them to where they need to go the first couple of times, rather than simply pointing out places or giving verbal directions. That personal and attentive touch will make a difference to new members.
- Ask about their interests. Becoming involved will help new members feel welcome. Find out about interests and secular activities, and offer to match them with different church groups and ministries.
- Invite new members to social events. Be sure your newcomers are familiar with the social calendar at your church. Fill them in on the regular get-togethers as well as special occasions. Let them know when childcare is provided so they do not feel prohibited from joining events if they have kids.
- Make the service welcoming and appealing. Keeping the worship service easy for a new member to follow will help them feel welcome. Print the words to all songs and prayers, and verbally welcome new members and visitors at the beginning or end of the service.
- Communicate with new members. Contact your new church members a few days after they join to find out if there is anything they need. Use the contact information they provided the church to call them or send them an email. If they did not provide a phone number or email address, send a letter. Ask for feedback on the service, the pastors, and their first impressions of the church. Some people are more comfortable providing truthful information anonymously, so consider using a survey and asking them to complete it.
- Accepting tithes and donations are common at most churches. However, do not talk about money early in your relationship with a new member. Let them feel comfortable and supported by the church first.
- Turn visitors into new members by reaching out to them when they come to church. Ask them to share their contact information, and follow up with them if you notice they attend more than once. Invite them to become members.
- Avoid asking visitors to stand and identify themselves during church services. New members want people to be friendly and welcoming, but they might be uncomfortable being singled out in a large crowd.