Whiten Teeth on Adobe Photoshop

Everyone gets coffee stains or wine stains on their teeth once in a while. Now instead of spending hundreds of dollars on teeth whitening at a dentist's office, this article will show you how to digitally whiten your teeth in seconds on Adobe Photoshop!


  1. Open your photo in Adobe Photoshop. This article is using CS3 but almost any version will work.
  2. Duplicate your layer by right clicking on the layer, choosing "duplicate layer..." and name your new layer "teeth."
  3. Click on the Quick Mask icon on the lower left corner of your toolbar to enter Quick Mask Mode.
  4. Choose the brush tool, and carefully paint in black over the entirety of the teeth. Even though black is selected, the paint over will be in a transparent red color. You are essentially masking off the teeth.
  5. After getting all the teeth, press Ctrl+i (or command+i on a mac) to invert your mask.
  6. Click the Quick Mask button again to exit Quick Mask mode. You should get a selection around your teeth.
  7. Press Ctrl+u (command+u) to get the hue/saturation palette. Click the drop down menu and choose Yellows.
  8. Slide the Saturation slider to the left until most traces of the stains disappear. Then lightly slide the Lightness slider to the right to brighten the teeth a little bit.
  9. Finally, choose Master on the drop down menu and adjust the Lightness slider a little more for an overall brighter finish.
  10. Click OK, press Ctrl+d (command+d) to deselect, and you're done!


  • Work with a high quality photo so you can zoom in and get a good selection.
  • There are a number of other methods to select the teeth including the marquee tool, lasso tool, or magic wand.
  • If you make a mistake while painting the teeth, you can always select white on the color palette and brush over the mistake to fix it.


  • Older people have darker teeth as a result of aging.
  • Do not whiten the teeth so much that they are stark white. Most people have a natural yellow tinge to the teeth and removing that will seem unnatural.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer or laptop
  • Photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop

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