Whittle a Wooden Knife

Some Stone-Aged tribes had wooden implements, including fishhooks, arrowheads, and knives. They can be useful for hunting, or carving, creating fire, and many other things! This is how you make them!


  1. Whittle your stick down on both sides evenly until the wood blade is one eighth of an inch thick. This will take a while unless you have a very sharp knife like a buck.
  2. Remove the bark from the spine of the blade, add an edge to the blade, and shape the point and tip of the blade. in the center of all woods is a light foam like substance called the pith, if it is a part of your tip or blade, that part will be fairly weak.
  3. Sand down the blade and add more of an edge.
  4. sand it down so its smooth.
  5. Add super glue to the edge to add strength.
  6. Whittle the handle down for comfort. (optional)
  7. Add details then coat with polyurethane to water-proof it.
  8. Use it; it works!


  • Use a hard wood. Make sure it is not green.
  • Remember the diameter of the stick is as wide as the blade will be.
  • You can sharpen your knife with a whetstone.


  • Remember a duller knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife.
  • Do not cut yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • A stick at least an inch in circumference or a dowel, make sure it is not green wood
  • super glue
  • Polyurethane
  • A whittling or pocket knife
  • sandpaper.

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