Write Anime

Do you like Anime and the great ideas to be found in Anime? Ever wish you can make your own Anime where you can put your imagination into it? Possibly, publish it? This is the article for you! Look below on how to get started. Notice: This article is for the Shonen-Anime fans!


  1. Think of your main characters. This makes the story help it move on. So if you can't think of what to add next in your story, make a main character need assistance!
  2. Decide the main character's personality. Will he be a stereotypical boy? Or a stereotypical girl? Will he / she be simple minded? Or will he / she be clever and cunning. This adds a tap to your story.
  3. Leave a hint at the beginning! Have you ever watched Naruto? In the early episodes, they leave the smallest hints you couldn't even give the main interest at.. and they add it as a part of the story! So leave one sentence like if an evil person is saying "He's detached" and in the middle-between-end of the story, an old guy might be detached from his powers. Don't do this too much, or the reader won't be surprised!
  4. Add villains! Who are they, what is there purpose? Who has fought / challenged them? If your character is innocent, make the villain opposed; the villains should be clever. If your character is clever, still keep the villains how they are. Hey, sometimes the villains might work for someone stronger than them. Add twists to your Anime. Remember, villains make the plot.
  5. Think of your title. It adds a touch if you reference the title in your story. For example, if there's a story called "One Death Angel", the protagonist (main character) might say "I am the One and Only Death Angel!"
  6. You'll need to think this at the end, it's a nice way to see your final progress...
  7. Give a twist when thing go right that way the reader would be more interested to know what happens next, but remember not to overdo it


  • You can ask a publisher to view it and actually make it a manga.. possibly an Anime! Hope is always good.
  • Don't always make your characters "The Chosen One". Sometimes those get too old. Make them adventurers and train (opinion)! Also, don't always make them human!
  • Sometimes, Anime don't have happy-endings. They can be to-be-continued.. or all the main characters dead and the villains survive. Think, think, think!
  • Think of events. What would you want in your story? Festivals, games, or dances?
  • If you want to portray the feelings of the character and you can't think of anything, try putting yourself in that character's shoes.
  • You can use music while thinking on your character.
  • Getting inspiration from other anime/manga can help a lot too. But don't totally rip off everything from it, it's okay to take a little inspiration from a character you like and add it to yours. Like traits of looks for example.


  • Save often, because you can lose your work.
  • Share your Anime with others you can trust. Others can look nice, but sometimes they can steal your idea!
  • Avoid Ideas that involve filler. Filler is any script that involves a story with no development to the original Anime whatsoever.

Things You'll Need

  • Wordpad or MS word.
  • Pen or pencil.