Write a Donation Letter

Getting a donation from an organization, a company, or an individual can be a tricky undertaking. There are many charities out there vying for donations and you need to be able to convince possible donors that your cause is the most worthy of their time and money. Follow these steps to create a strategic and persuasive donation letter that will help you raise the funds you need.


Crafting your Introduction

  1. Consider carefully the recipients of your letter. Write only to those whom you think are really in a position to help you and who will understand the purpose of what you're doing. If someone is really in no position to help your cause, then writing to them is a waste of your time and theirs.
  2. Personalize your introduction. If at all possible, figure out a specific person you can target with your donation letter. While "To Whom it May Concern" is a fine greeting, it doesn't force your reader into a personal connection with you and your cause. That being said, address your letter in an official manner, using "Mr." or "Ms." before your recipient's last name.
    • In addition to addressing your email to a specific person, acknowledge that you know what their job is in your introduction. The most effective way of doing this is to explain the connection between what you need and why you are writing to them specifically. For example,
  3. Grab the attention of your reader. Start your letter by including an anecdote or a question that relates directly to your cause. Try to highlight the importance of your cause right from the beginning of the letter, so that your reader gets invested in it as quickly as possible and wants to continue reading.

Asking for a Donation

  1. Explain the project you are trying to complete. Make it clear how this project will improve a situation or the lives of others.
    • This project needs to be one that seems feasible. While ending world hunger, for instance, is a noble goal, it is not necessarily a feasible goal for your individual project. Ending hunger in your neighborhood would be a more realistic goal that your reader could imagine being an important part of.
  2. Be very specific about how you think that the people or organization to whom you're writing can help you. Tell the prospective donor exactly what their money or donation will go towards and the impact it will make on your project overall.
    • There are different opinions on whether you should specify actual dollar amounts they should give. Some experts say not to specify actual dollar amounts unless you have a specific item or services in mind that you're certain will cost that amount.[1] Others say to give the options of several dollar amounts, knowing that the lowest amount will usually be given. This makes it easy on the donor, as they do not need to do any thinking or debating about how much to give.[2]
  3. Tell the recipient what will happen if they don't contribute. This is where you may need to use a bit of guilt to make your reader donate. There will be real consequences if they don't donate, tell them what they are. However, be sure to reassure the reader that with a simple donation, these negative outcomes will be easily avoided.

Writing a Closing

  1. Thank the donor in advance. Here you need to walk the delicate line between not being to presumptuous but also assuming that your cause is so important that the recipient will obviously want to give. If you project to your reader that is goes without saying that they will give to your important cause, they may be more likely to automatically contribute.
    • If you want to use a bit of a lighter touch, thank your reader for their time in considering your cause. This shows them that you understand their time is valuable and that you are considerate.
  2. Reiterate why their donation is so important. You are taking the time and energy to work toward your cause, so be sure to reinforce why you think it is worth your time as well as the time and money of the person you are writing to. This is where you can really drive home why you feel personally it's important that your prospective donor give to your cause.
  3. Conclude with an appropriate salutation. End your donation letter with a business-like salutation and your name. It is also a good idea to include a title below your name that describes your position in the charity or organization you are representing, so your reader knows that you have the authority to ask for donations.
    • If sending your letter by mail, be sure to type out your name but also sign it by hand. This shows your reader that the letter is a personal request, not just an automated form letter.

Sample Letters

Doc:School Donation Email,Business Donation Email,Charity Donation Email

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