Write a Magazine

Writing a magazine is a lot easier than it may sound. You often hear about how to make magazines on the Internet, but they make it sound very complicated. In this guide, "How to write a magazine", it will be easier with these very helpful hints.


  1. Start by thinking of a topic for your magazine. This can be anything you like. It should be about something you enjoy, maybe an interest, a hobby, a sport, or even a game you like.
  2. Think of a good name. Once you have thought of your topic, try to think of a name for your magazine. This should be something catchy, something people can remember. Perhaps use letter abbreviations for the name if it's a long title; For instance, if a magazine is called "World Record News", shorten it down to WRN. This is quite an important process of writing a magazine.
  3. Research your magazine topic. Once you have thought of a name, you now need to start researching up-to-date news on your magazine. Make sure to think about when you are going to sell the magazine, people don't like old news.
  4. Start writing your articles. Once you have gotten some news and information for your magazine, start typing out your article. You can use a library if you don't have a computer at home.
  5. Think of a design layout for your magazine, it is important for the magazine to look good as well as including great content. Start with the title, you need something that is easily read yet still stands out, keep this the same in each issue in order to make it recognizable.


  • Come up with a team for your magazine and give people different things to do for your magazine.
  • Cite all of your resources.
  • Carry a notepad with you at all times to write down any useful information for your magazine.

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