Write an Acceptance Speech
When you win an award or honor, it’s traditional to share a few words. To write an acceptance speech, open with a word of thanks, acknowledge your benefactors, share your thoughts on receiving the award, and consider throwing in an inspirational remark before ending with another expression of gratitude. This is your time to shine, but showing humility will leave your audience feeling truly pleased for you and your success.
Sample Speeches
Doc:Election Acceptance Speech,Oscar Acceptance Speech
Writing Your Own Acceptance Speech
- Open by thanking everyone involved in giving you the award. This includes the organization sponsoring the award, the individual(s) who nominated you, and/or anyone who may have recommended you for this honor.
- For example: “I’d like to thank the Academy for allowing me to be here today.”
- State how honored you are, mentioning the award by name. Even if you secretly think that having to give a speech is a crummy reward for a job well done, conveying your gratitude for everyone’s time and attention is an absolute must. This should be about 1 to 2 sentences.
- For example: “I am so pleased to win Actress of the Year. Receiving this award is such an amazing honor.”
- Share your thoughts about being awarded. This is a good place to convey how humbled you feel by the whole experience; if you come across as entitled or superior, everyone will regret honoring you. This should take about 1 to 3 sentences.
- For example: “I never thought I would win such an honor, let alone work in one of Bob Smith's fantastic movies.”
- Say something inspirational. This might be a quote from someone who made the award possible or your thoughts on whatever it is you won the award for. (This might also be a good place to personalize your speech with an anecdote.) This should be 2 to 3 sentences.
- For example: “It was an experience to remember. Bob was a wonderful director and all of the other actors were very friendly and professional.”
- Thank everyone who collaborated with you on your work. Chances are you didn’t do it on your own. Moreover, if you neglect anyone who put their time and energy into your projects, they probably won’t want to help you in the future. This should be about 1-2 sentences.
- For example: “But it wasn't just acting well that made this possible; I wouldn't be here getting this award without the blood, sweat, and tears of the writers, director, producers, stage crews, and all my brilliant fellow actors.”
- Thank everyone who gave you moral support. It’s crucial to acknowledge the countless everyday sacrifices that your loved ones have made, especially if your work was time consuming or took you away from your family. You might thank teachers, parents, friends, your spouse, etc. Include specifics to show that you noticed and cared. This is usually 1 long sentence.
- For example: “I'd like to thank Mom and Dad for always being there and encouraging me, my agent John for getting me the part, Bob for never giving up, even when there were technical issues and the like, and everyone else in my life who made this moment possible for me.”
- End the thank-yous. Let the audience know you’re wrapping things up. A good way to end the thank-yous would be with a general statement of how everyone helped. This should be 1 sentence.
- For example: “I couldn't have done it without you guys.”
- End it on a final note of thanks. Your last impression should be one of gratitude. Make this very brief.
- For example: “Thank you all again!”
- Practice before the event. Time yourself.
- If you get a laugh, pause until they’re done; otherwise, no one will be able to hear you.
- Keep people interested in what you are talking about.
- Don't get off topic while speaking to the audience.
- Talk about how many and who changed your life with the award/certificate.
- Touch people's emotions if possible. How did this experience change your life?
- Make it memorable. While are definitely guidelines to follow, giving it that personal touch will make it seem thoughtful instead of obligatory.
- Make it humorous to keep people interested.
- Keep it short. Lengthy speeches are a bore and are harder to memorize.
- Keep an eye contact to the audience.
- Memorize it! You will look amateur if you bring up your speech or use cue cards.
- Keep still. Don't move around too much. It will distract from your message and credibility.
- Don't slur your words keep it clear and simple while speaking.
- Don’t force humor. Not everyone is a comedian and nothing will make your audience cringe like a badly-delivered joke.
- Avoid negative or apologetic statements.