Yield to a Horse on a Multi Use Trail
Multi-use trails are frequent in public parks and recreation areas, and they commonly have horse riders, bicyclists, hikers, and runners all sharing the trail. All trail users need to be aware of and cautious around any horses that are present. It’s easy to spook a horse (especially when you approach on a bicycle). Here are some steps to help minimize problems when you encounter a horse on the trail.
Yielding to a Horse When you are on a Bicycle
- Keep alert on the trail. When approaching a bend on a trail, be wary of potential horses around the bend. Slow down while going round corners, as you should try to avoid coming up on a horse unaware.
- If you’re on a trail commonly used by horses, do not use your bell, as this can spook a horse!
- Stay about 50 feet behind a horse. If you’re riding a bike and you come up behind a horse on the trail, stay about 50 feet behind, and slow your bike. This will prevent you from coming up on the horse too quickly.
- The rider will appreciate the distance and the opportunity to keep their horse calm.
- Get the rider’s attention and ask to pass. Before you pass a horse on a trail—whether you’re approaching from ahead or from behind—you should make sure that the rider knows you are present.
- “Hi! I’m approaching on a bike. Is it OK if I come past you?”
- “Will it spook your horse if I come past on my bike?”
- In some cases, the rider may not trust their horse to stand still for you to pass. If this is the case, the rider may move ahead quickly, or move far off of the trail so you can pass.
- If a horse is coming up behind you, the rider will most likely call out to you as they are approaching. Even if the rider does not greet you, still plan to move off to the side of the trail and allow the horse to pass.
Politely ask the rider if you can pass them on your bike. Try calling out. Say something like,
- Ask the rider if you should dismount and walk your bike. Some horses are very afraid of bicycles, and both horse and rider will feel more comfortable if you walk your bike instead of quickly riding by.
- If you see a horse approaching from ahead of you on the trail, make eye contact with the rider, slow down, pull over to the side of the trail (or completely off the trail if its narrow), and ask the rider if you should stop while they pass.
- Give a wide berth if you pass a horse. Do not ride immediately next to a horse. Even a horse not typically frightened by bicycles will get spooked if you ride right next to it.
- If the trail is on an incline, the cyclist should always step off on the downhill side.
- Always assume that a horse may be scared by bicycles. Even if you are personally familiar with horses, or if you have already passed many horses on a certain trail, a new horse could react completely differently.
- Different horses have different comfort levels with riders and hikers, but assume they are easily spooked and always be careful around them.
- Some horses are scared by things they have not seen before. If you are wearing a helmet or large backpack, you may need to remove it, so as not to spook the horse.
Yielding to a Horse When You are on Foot
- Follow general yielding etiquette. Although yielding may change based on the situation, the general rule is that cyclists yield to both hikers and equestrians, while hikers yield only to equestrians.
- Look for posted signs at the trailhead (or along the trail) that will dictate who should yield to who.
- To yield the trail to a horse and rider, either move far to the side of the trail, or step off on the downhill side.
- Pay attention to horses approaching from behind you on the trail. If a horse—or group of horses—are approaching you from behind, it is the lead rider’s responsibility to call out and alert you. Be courteous, and step off the trail if the rider asks you to.
- Even if horses are approaching from behind you, they still have the right-of-way on the trail.
- Talk to the rider. This will comfort the horse, by letting it know that you are a person, and not some strange object beside the trail. You can also check with the rider to see if the horse is skittish and needs plenty of space to pass, or if it’s comfortable and you can stay on the trail.
- Say something like, “Hi. I’m happy to stay off the trail until you pass, but let me know if your horse is comfortable with people and I’ll keep walking.”
- When yielding the trail to a horse, stay in full view. You may scare the horse if you step behind a tree or boulder.
- Communicate with members of your own party. If you’re hiking as part of a large group, make sure that all members of the group have a similar understanding of trail etiquette.
- All members of your party should yield simultaneously. If the lead hiker encounters a horse, she should communicate that all members of the hiking group need to step off the trail.
- Stand still while the horse passes. Once you have stepped off the trail (or to one side, if it’s wide), don’t more around much or make loud sounds (including shouted conversation).
- Be courteous to both horse and rider by standing still and relatively quietly.
- Once the horse has moved 15-20 feet down the trail, you (and your party, if applicable) can resume your way down the trail.
Horses can still get spooked by people or things on the side of the trail.
Sharing a Trail when you are on Horseback
- Do not expect all hikers and cyclists to yield to you. Although it’s correct trail etiquette for cyclists and foot traffic to yield to horses, novice hikers and bikers may lack the experience to know this.
- Make sure to engage verbally with other trail users. This way, you will know if they plan to pass you or are going to step off the trail.
- Ask for the right-of-way. Once you’re in communication with another trail user, if they have not already yielded the trail, politely ask for the right of way. Novice hikers and cyclists may not understand that they need to accommodate your horse and step off the trail. Say something like,
- “Hi. my horse might get spooked by seeing a bicycle on the trail. Could you stand off the trail?”
- “Would you mind stepping to the side while my horse and I pass?”
- Control your horse. It’s your responsibility to keep your animal under control. Horses are much larger than both hikers and bicycles, and if out of control, can seriously hurt people—including yourself.
- If you are riding a young horse or one that is poorly trained, you may need to yield the trail.
- Continue talking to the hiker or cyclist as you pass. This will reassure your horse. The animal will feel more comfortable when hearing two human voices converse.
- By talking, you can also learn important information from other trail users. Say something like,
- “You may want to stay off the trail for a few minutes. Several other horses are passing this way.”
- “How many other hikers/cyclists can I expect to see behind you?”
- Being polite and considerate to riders will help foster a better recreational environment for everyone.
Related Articles
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- Lead a Horse
- https://www.imba.com/resources/risk-management/shared-trails
- https://www.imba.com/resources/risk-management/shared-trails
- https://www.imba.com/resources/risk-management/shared-trails
- https://www.imba.com/resources/risk-management/shared-trails
- http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-etiquette.php
- http://www.lowergear.com/advice.php/content/trail_etiquette_who_has_right_of_way
- http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-etiquette.php
- http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-etiquette.php
- https://www.imba.com/resources/risk-management/shared-trails