Acclimate to Hot Weather
Heat acclimation is the process of training your body to perform more efficiently in hot weather. Through heat acclimation your body undergoes physiological changes that improve cardiovascular function, cause your body to sweat sooner and more efficiently, and allow you to exercise longer.
This is especially useful if you work or exercise outside during the summer heat. People who have construction, roofing, or landscaping jobs, or are professional/amateur athletes should learn how to acclimate to hot weather to reduce the risk of heatstroke and heat-related deaths.Contents
Learning about Acclimating Your Body
- Know the benefits of acclimating your body to the heat. Acclimating to heat actually results in physiological changes within your body. These changes make it much easier to exercise or work in a climate that is very hot. The following are some of the changes you can expect to feel after acclimating yourself:
- You may possess greater comfort during work, play, or exercise while exposed to hot weather.
- You can have improved work and exercise performance.
- Acclimating to heat can lower your body heat production, heart rate, core temperature, and salt loss.
- You may have improved organ protection, skin blood flow, and sweating.
- Recognize that acclimation only lasts about two weeks. Unfortunately, the physiological changes that occur when your body acclimates to hot weather only last about two weeks if you do not actively exercise in the heat. Once the heat exposure ends, the adaptations begin to fade.
- Cardiovascular improvements are usually the first changes that start to go away.
You will start to feel the effects fading within one week of no exercise in the hot weather.
- Be aware of the risks of heat illness. There are many causes of heat illness that are good to be aware of before you begin your acclimation process. Heat illness can be caused by dehydration, low level of fitness, current bacterial or viral infection, sleep deprivation, inappropriate clothing, and drugs and/or medications. Being aware of these risk factors can help you prevent heat illness.
- It is best to have a medium-to-high level of fitness before you begin to acclimate your body to hot weather.
Acclimating Your Body
- Allow 10 to 14 days to acclimate your body to the heat. Make a schedule to start your acclimation process. It usually takes about two weeks of at least one hour of training in the heat each day to acclimate.
- Find some time in your schedule to exercise for one-two hours a day for two weeks straight during hot weather.
- If the weather isn’t very hot, but you still want to acclimate, you can wear extra clothing during your workout to simulate high heat conditions or train in a very hot room.
- Perform small increments of intense activity. When you first begin, you may find that you are easily fatigued by the hot weather. Start your acclimation process with about 15 minutes of intense exercise the first day. For the first week, increase the time and intensity of your workout by no more than 20% each day.
- In the first 5 days of heat acclimation, your body improves its cardiovascular functions in the heat.
- For best results, use interval training: alternating periods of rest and exercise.
- Work up to 100 minutes of outdoor exercise. Continue your acclimation until you can comfortably exercise for 100 minutes in the hot weather. If you feel fatigued or overheated, stop exercising immediately. One hundred minutes is a goal to strive for, but if it takes you longer than two weeks to get up to it, that’s okay.
- During the first 8 days, your body-core temperature is adjusted.
- Resting in the heat, without physical activity, will not acclimate your body to the heat.
- Increase your fluid intake with water or sports drinks. Staying hydrated is extremely important when working or exercising in hot weather. Dehydration can result in decreased blood flow to the skin, decreased sweat production, reduced blood volume, and an increase in your core body temperature. The water lost from sweat must be replaced while exercising.
- Be sure to drink fluids both during the workout and when you are done. Because high heat results in an increased fluid loss, don’t wait until your feel thirsty. Drink frequently.
- More sodium will be retained by the body and less excreted in your sweat and urine if you have more fluid in the body. This allows the body to maintain its proper sodium concentrations.
- Consume enough sodium to replace what is lost by sweating. A low-sodium diet may impair your body's ability to maintain its sodium levels.
- Maintain the heat acclimation. It only takes about one week for you to start feeling the loss of the physiological changes you worked so hard for.
- Keep to a regular schedule of outdoor exercise (at least 2-3 times per week).
To maintain these changes, you need to continue to work out in the heat at least every other day.
Staying Safe
- Replace lost water. It is important to replace all of the water you have lost while exercising outside. Staying hydrated during the actual exercise is important, but it is just as important to replace all of the water that has been lost at the end of your routine. Weigh yourself before and after your workout to determine approximately how much water has been lost.
- For each pound lost, drink about half a quart of water (or sports drink) to replace it.
- Wear light weight exercise clothing. The type of clothing worn while in hot weather is very important. While you are acclimating and when you’re working/exercising, wear lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing. This type of clothing will help keep your body cool and you comfortable. Heavy clothing that does not dry quickly will leave you hot and uncomfortable.
- Make sure it is light-colored, loose-fitting, and breathable for maximum cooling.
- Remember to wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes from sun damage.
- Eat enough calories to replace burned calories. Just as you must replace water, you must replace the calories that were burned during the exercise. Food consumption is equally as important as water. Food also replaces many of the minerals that are lost in sweat.
- It is recommended to maintain a 2,100 calorie diet during rigorous heat training.
- Take frequent, short breaks while getting your body used to hot weather.
- Work or exercise in the shade whenever possible.
- Drinking sports drinks will help replace sodium and carbohydrates lost through sweat.
- Eat small meals before you work or exercise in the heat.
- Avoid caffeine, sugar, and alcohol when working in the heat.
- Beware of medications that may make you more susceptible to heat-related injuries.
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