Ace a Lunch Interview

Lunch interviews are a good opportunity for your potential employer to get to know you in a less formal setting and to see your social skills in action. Lunch interviews can be a little nerve-wracking, especially if you've never done one before. However, preparing adequately, minding your manners, and conducting yourself professionally will help the interview go smoothly.


Preparing For a Lunch Interview

  1. Research the restaurant beforehand. Visit the restaurant website to get an idea of the restaurant location, atmosphere, and menu. Consider visiting the restaurant before the interview so you know what to expect. [1]
    • Read the menu ahead of time. This will give you an idea of the type of food on offer and the range of prices, which should make ordering less stressful and time-consuming on the day. Don’t worry--your interviewer will cover the meal, but price should still be a consideration when ordering. More on that later.
  2. Plan your route to the restaurant so you arrive on time. Before the interview, make sure you know exactly how to get to the restaurant and how long it will take you to get there. Planning your route will allow you to arrive at the restaurant early, which is always a good idea for lunchtime interviews.
    • Remember to take lunchtime traffic conditions or public transport schedules into account.
  3. Practice talking to strangers. Talking to people you’ve never met before in the weeks leading up to the interview will help improve your ability to converse with strangers. It will also help you feel more comfortable, making you appear more confident and genuine. [2]
    • Start by giving a simple greeting or compliment to a person nearby. That compliment or greeting may evolve into a conversation.
    • Choose relevant conversation topics. For example, if you are in a mall, you might ask the person about their favorite store.
    • Practice daily--the more you practice small talk with strangers, the easier it will become.[3]
  4. Prepare for skills-related questions. You should be prepared to answer questions related your skills and experience. Emphasize how your skills and experience make you an ideal candidate for the position.
  5. Be prepared to talk about the company. Interviewers will be looking to see if you have a solid understanding of the company and your potential position. Do your research beforehand. It will show you are informed and serious about the company. [4]
  6. Stay up to date on current events. Lunch interviews tend to include more smalltalk, so make sure you are aware of current events, especially during the week leading up to the interview. Read a newspaper or watch the news the morning before your interview. This is a great way to brush up on current events directly beforehand. [5]
    • Read a large-scale, broadsheet newspaper rather than a local or tabloid paper. Pay particular attention to articles or sections of the paper that may be relevant to the job - whether that's finance, business, politics or international relations.
    • You should also listen to or watch the news the night before and morning of the interview. You don't want to be embarrassed by being unaware of any recent important events.
  7. Dress professionally. You should dress for a lunch interview in the same way you would dress for a normal interview - in formal attire. This is true regardless of the location or type of restaurant. [6]
    • Make sure your interview outfit is clean and well-pressed. Make sure your hair and nails are neat. Don’t wear too much make-up.
    • Don't worry if your interviewer is dressed more casually than you are. Remember that it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed when it comes to interviews.
  8. Bring writing utensils and a copy of your resume. Print out an up-to-date version of your resume and pack a bag with paper, pens and any other documents you might need. Your interviewer may not request them during the interview, but it's best to be prepared anyway.[7]
  9. Arrive early. Try to arrive at least 15 minutes early--it is best to arrive before the interviewer. Put your phone on silent before the interview.[8]
    • If you arrive at the restaurant before your interviewer, wait for them in the waiting area, lobby, or just outside. Avoid waiting at the table or at the bar. [9]

Ordering Food and Eating

  1. Avoid ordering messy or strong-smelling foods. It's important to order carefully at a lunchtime interview. You want to avoid ordering messy or strong-smelling foods, as these can be awkward to eat and off-putting for the interviewer.[10]
    • Avoid foods that contain large amounts of garlic or onions, as these often have a very strong odor. Avoid messy foods like spaghetti, burgers loaded with condiments, messy sandwiches, large-leafed salads, greasy French fries, and foods that are overly loud and crunchy.
  2. Choose foods that are easy to eat. Choose foods that are neat and easy to eat in small bites, like a chopped salad, penne pasta or fish. It will be easier to eat politely, and you won’t distract the interviewer. [11]
  3. Don't order the most expensive items on the menu. Avoid ordering the most expensive items on the menu, such as steak or lobster (unless your interviewer insists), as this may be perceived as taking advantage of the company credit card, which will not produce a favorable result.[12]
    • Try to follow the lead of your interviewer. Ask them what they recommend, or wait for them to order and then select a dish at a similar price point.
    • You should refrain from ordering dessert unless your interviewer orders it first.
  4. Stay away from alcoholic beverages. In general, it is best to stay away from alcoholic beverages during lunchtime interviews, even if your interviewer is drinking. Alcohol can lower your inhibitions and cause you to speak or behave in a way that is less than professional. This does not mean you have to stick with water - order a soda or an iced tea instead.[13]
  5. Display good table manners. It is highly important that you display good table manners throughout your lunchtime interview. Poor table manners can be very off-putting for an employer, as it tells them that you cannot handle yourself in a professional setting.
    • Go back to basics- remember to place your napkin on your lap, keep your elbows off the table, keep your mouth closed while chewing and avoid talking while eating.
  6. Try to eat at the same speed as your interviewer. Try to match your eating pace with the interviewer's - avoid eating too quickly or too slowly. This can be tricky, as you will probably be talking a lot and answering many questions over the course of the lunch.
    • Avoid making the interviewer wait for an answer as you struggle to chew and swallow a large bite. Take small bites that you can eat quickly and easily.
    • If your interview asks a complex or important question, consider putting your knife and fork aside for a minute or two while you take the time to answer.
    • Make sure you do eat. Picking at your food can make you seem nervous. [14]

Engaging in Conversation

  1. Engage in a two-way dialogue. Lunch interviews are typically conversation oriented. Answer questions thoughtfully and carefully, and be aware of the conversation’s movement between more personal questions and questions relating to the position. [15]
  2. Ask questions. A two way conversation means that both parties should ask questions. Asking questions will show you are excited about the company while giving you more insight into the details of your position.
  3. Avoid getting into controversial issues if possible. However, sometimes the employer will deliberately bring up tricky topics just to see how you handle them. In this situation, make sure to think before you speak so you can express your point of view clearly, without coming across as judgmental.
    • If you need more time to formulate an answer to a question, take a bite and use the chewing time to think.[16]
  4. Sell yourself. As with any other interview, you should Sell-Yourself-in-Any-Job-Interview. Make it clear to the interviewer why you want this position, and why you are a good fit for the company. [17]
    • However, you shouldn't immediately begin selling yourself. Allow the interviewer to guide the conversation. [18]
    • If there are multiple interviewees, say enough that your interviewers can evaluate you, but don’t dominate the conversation. Give others a chance to speak as well.[19]
  5. Behave as professionally as possible throughout the interview. You should be careful when dealing with an overly-friendly interviewer. Regardless of how informal they are with you, you should make an effort to behave professionally. Remember, they are still judging your behavior, so don't say or do anything risky.[20]
  6. Be polite to the waiting staff. Your interviewer will be watching you closely to observe your social skills, and this includes your interactions with the waiting staff. Therefore, it's important polite and courteous to your waiter. [21]
    • A simple thank you or a nod or smile to the staff whenever they take your order, bring your food and clear your dishes can go a long way to prove that you are polite and have good social skills. Even if you are served a wrong dish or you do not like what you have ordered, try to go with the flow.
  7. Follow the interviewer's lead. While you are engaged in a conversation with the interviewer, be aware of whether they sound interested in continuing the conversation after the lunch or if they are keen to end it immediately after the meal. [22]
    • If the interviewer asks you for any final questions, it is time to wrap up. However, if the interviewer wishes to continue their discussion further over a cup of tea or coffee, you need to show your enthusiasm and follow suit.

Wrapping Up

  1. Expect the interviewers to pay the check. The interviewers will almost always pay for the meal. Be gracious and thank them when the bill comes.[23]
  2. Thank the interviewers. Thank your interviewers when the check is being paid, and when you leave. Following the interview, remember to send the employer a note to thank them for their time and for the lunch. This can usually be done via email.[24]
  3. Ask about next steps. Asking about the next steps in the process shows you are interested and gives you an idea of what to include in your thank you note. [25]
    • Say something like, “Thank you for your time. What are the next steps, and when should I expect to hear back?”


  • Be sure to turn off your mobile phone even if the interviewer keeps checking his or hers frequently.
  • Be bold and confident.


  • In most cases, it is inappropriate to ask for a doggy bag to take the rest of your food home, however, it's important to judge the situation and follow the lead of your interviewer.
  • Avoid talking business during an interview with a non-American company, as it is considered rude.
  • If you and the interviewer get along well, that’s great, but be certain that the conversation does not get too off track.

