Act Like Sam Fisher
Samuel Fisher, known simply as Sam Fisher, is the main character in the Splinter Cell series of video games and novels. As the nature of Fisher's job relies on stealth and non-detection, he is highly adept at blending into shadows and moving silently. He is able to sneak up many of his opponents without being seen and subdues them with either lethal or non-lethal means.
- Prepare yourself. Put on the clothes listed in the materials section. Attach your holster to your leg. Attach your GPS or other handheld to left wrist. Make sure it has a very low glow.
- Put your combat knife around your belt in the back. Cover the handle in a layer of black/ green electrical tape so you can cut through a wire if needed.( note that it's probably best to have a fixed double sided blade type knife like the one in the pic.) Make sure that there is no metal touching where you will be holding the knife.
- Find the goggles put them on. The ATN Viper Night Vision Goggles will do. Alternatively, buy some swimming goggles and glue a hand held laser pointer to the top of them.
- Sam uses two different weapons. A SC-20K and a SC pistol or a silenced FN Five seven (pictured here).
- Take heavy steps, making sure that they are silent.
- Learn to walk silently.
- Sam can use both hands to fire a weapon but is actually right handed.
- Practice pulling yourself up ledges, and lowering yourself down
- Be decisive and swift.
- Take your time.
- Be silent.
- Be smart.
- Be invisible.
- Learn how to understand your surroundings.
- If you are not physically fit, this may be dangerous.
- Sneaking around certain areas may result in being shot or arrested.
- Check your local laws on possessing a gun in public. It may be illegal unless you have a concealed weapons permit.
- Hiding in shadows won't actually make you invisible.
- Killing people is wrong and illegal, doing so may result in serious moral and legal repercussions.
Things You'll Need
- All the clothes listed underneath must be dark blue unless otherwise noted. The best choice of clothing is a divers suit, but if not possible, find skin-tight clothes. Tiger stripe woodland /BDU woodland camouflage will work for the pants.
- If possible get black bullet-proof vest with lots of pockets. If you want something cheaper, but still looks cool, get a black NcSTAR pals modular vest.
- Long sleeved shirt
- Long pants
- Long socks
- Black combat boots
- Weapon. An airsoft gun is highly recommended due to legal issues. The sidearm Sam uses is a Fabric Nationale Five-seven(5.7mmx28mm) Find a pistol with a silencer. Or, how about a black-painted (leave the orange tip on so cops know it's fake) nerf gun?
- Combat knife (make sure it has no reflection).
- Find a holster for the pistol. It must be able to hold the pistol with silencer attached.
- A small GPS device, PDA, or handheld electronic with a resemblance to Sam's OPSAT. A case that can be attached is also necessary.
Related Articles
- Buy a Bulletproof Vest
- Walk Silently
- Make a Combat Worthy Fort
- Start a Cheer at a Game
- Be Stealthy
- Become a Fan of Cee Leo Green
- Create a Sam Fisher Suit