Be Stealthy
Have you ever tried to catch someone stealthily by surprise, only to have them turn around and ask why you're making so much noise? Have you ever attempted to sneak out of your house and been caught before you made it out your front door? Being stealthy takes practice, but anyone can learn how to do it. If you want to learn how to move through forests, urban streets, and your backyard without making a sound, keep reading.
Moving Stealthily
- Walk like an animal. You know how forest animals like deer and mountain lions can move through the woods without causing a stir? People, on the other hand, tend to tromp noisily through the woods, alerting others to their presence from half a mile away. The key to moving like an animal is to be tuned in with your environment. Be aware of the terrain through which you're moving, and try to flow with it instead of moving against it.
- Notice your surroundings. If there's a low-hanging branch up ahead, carefully crouch under it instead of blazing through and causing the leaves to rustle.
- Walk where there's cover. Whether you're walking through trees, buildings or furniture, stay close to cover, like an animal would. Don't walk in open areas where it's easy for you to be seen.
- Have steady movements. Think of the way a cat moves when stalking its prey. Move your body in a steady rhythm so that the sounds you make are steady, too. Random sounds will be more noticeable.
- Go on stealth runs and practice moving as quietly and unnoticeably as possible. Don't worry about how fast you're going.
- Move close to the ground. When you crouch close to the ground, you exert less force with each footstep, making it possible for you to walk almost soundlessly. Practice walking in a crouched position, absorbing the weight of your body with your knees. Engage all of your muscles.
- Walk toe to heel. Stepping down with your heel first usually produces a "thud" that others can hear. It also prevents you from being able to crouch easily and distribute your weight evenly across your body. Walk toe first so you can move quietly and fluidly over any terrain. This will feel unnatural at first, so it's important to practice often before you have to put your stealthy moves to the test.
- You can run toe first, too. It's easier to do this barefoot or with minimalist shoes that don't have a lot of cushioning. Your body will naturally tend to lead with the balls of your feet rather than striking the ground forcefully with your heels.
- Flow with the terrain. When you're trying to be stealthy, walking the straightest line from point A to point B isn't always the best idea. Consider what path will get you where you need to go with the least chance of being seen or heard. Look for a way to get there without crossing someone else's path, spending too much time out in the open, or stepping on things that might make noise.
- If you're in a forest, walk along game trails or dirt paths mostly clear of leaves and sticks. Watch out for puddles, gravel, rustling bushes, and crackly sticks.
- If you're on city streets, edge along buildings and weave through alleys. Cross the street with large crowds of people. Avoid gravel, metal grates, and wooden boardwalks, which tend to be loud. Avoid areas where your footsteps might produce an echo, like tunnels and underpasses.
- If you're indoors, weave through large items of furniture. Stay out of rooms that have a lot of clutter. Take back entrances instead of front doors. Choose carpeted rooms and staircases instead of hardwood floors and stairs.
- If you are walking up wooden stairs, try stepping in the middle of the stair at the edge. It's structurally the strongest point on the stair and should reduce creaking to a minimum.
- Do not follow roads if you are running from a car. This should be obvious, but you would be surprised.
- Know when to be still. If you're following someone from behind or trying to move to a new position without being seen, there will be moments when stillness is your greatest stealthy asset. When it's clear that someone heard you break a twig or graze a piece of furniture, find cover and stay as still as a log. Wait patiently until the person keeps walking and no longer seems aware of your presence, and then take extra care to move quietly to your destination.
- Control your breathing. Breathe slowly and evenly to avoid being heard. Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. If you're out of breath, try making your throat as wide as possible while remaining comfortable. It may sound strange, but it works. Practice makes perfect.
- If you're sneaking for the first time, you may be scared of getting caught, which could cause your breathing to quicken. If you feel panicked, try imagining that you're on a beach on a nice, warm, sunny day, or go to another "happy place" in your mind. Stay there until you feel calm.
- Practice soft landings. When you need to jump over obstacles like fences or benches, land softly by allowing your whole body to absorb the impact, not just your feet and knees. Land on the balls of your feet and immediately move into a crouch. Look for a landing spot clear of noisy materials like leaves or rocks.
Wearing Stealthy Gear
- Choose stealthy footgear. Your footgear can either aid your quest for becoming stealthy or be a dead giveaway of your presence, every time. You need to choose the proper footgear for the environment in when you'll be moving. Practice walking and running in your chosen footgear often, so you'll get used to the tiny noises it makes.
- If you're in a house, it's best to wear socks, as they are soft, and they are comfortably fitting. Going barefoot is also a good option. Carry your shoes with you and put them on when you're clear of the house.
- If you're in a place with lots of grass or leaves, use socks or go with bare feet, carrying your shoes. You could also wear toe shoes or water shoes, but be careful: if these types of shoes get soaked, they can emit a "squish" sound as your foot hits the ground.
- To cross a rocky place (pebbles, gravel, etc.), you must use a pair of thick socks or bare feet. Soft socks and bare feet cushion the impact, but shoes will push the stones down and out, making the sound of rocks moving.
- For walking in a mixed environment, like a suburban street with a road, gravel, and grass, wear running shoes with soft, flexible soles. Be careful not to walk flat-footed with these shoes.
- Wear clothing that camouflages you. The clothing you choose should match the colors of the terrain you'll be crossing, and the time of day should also be taken into account. Wear darker colors at night, and earth tones during the day. Choose fabrics that are comfortable and don't make swishy sounds. Cotton is always a good choice, and soft polyester fabrics also work well.
- If you're walking around at night in a city, tight black clothing will do. If you're in a natural area (a field or forest) wear loose clothing to distort and break up the human figure. Wear dark browns and greens instead of black, because black stands out.
- Don't wear anything that will reflect light. Remove shiny jewelry, and try wearing contacts instead of eyeglasses.
- Try not to wear heavy gear. All it will do is fatigue you and make it harder to move. This will also make more noise.
- Consider investing in some eye gear. Night vision or infrared goggles are useful for helping you see in the dark. Binoculars may also be useful if you need to see objects that are far away.
Having Successful Missions
- Know your area. Walk the area in the light of day and take note of the lay of the land. Draw out a map of the area you'll be covering and be sure to study it before you embark on your mission. Make it as detailed as possible, drawing every object that could be an obstacle or a source of shelter - groves of trees, empty sheds, dumpsters, and so on.
- Create hand signs to communicate. If you're going out with a friend, you won't be able to call to one another. Learn sign language or make up your own hand signals to help you navigate the territory without speaking.
- Use the bathroom before leaving for your excursions. Have you ever played hide-and-seek and been in an excellent hiding place, then suddenly get struck with the urge to relieve yourself? Often the suspense and excitement of being found out, regardless of the situation, will stimulate a reaction in the bowels and bladder. Even if you feel no need to use the facilities ahead of time, it is still a good idea.
- Use distraction techniques if necessary. Bring a couple tiny, solid objects that you can throw and that are capable of making some sort of noise. Make sure that they are natural objects like rocks or something that goes with the environment; otherwise the person you are trying to distract may get suspicious. Throwing something can be used as a quick diversion if someone in the vicinity of where you are sneaking thinks they saw something moving or heard something unusual.
- Take one of the objects out quickly and throw it at the nearest hard surface that is in the opposite direction to create noise. If the noise you made was louder then the one they think they heard, they are likely to look at where that noise came from, allowing you to slip away undetected.
- You can pick up a stick or another object and throw it in a certain direction. The person will move to inspect it while you go in the opposite direction. Just remember that if the object is too big, the person looking for you might see it and find out not only that you're there, but also the direction it was thrown from.
- Don't do anything illegal. Don't enter private property without permission, and don't use these guidelines to burglarize a home. If you're doing something illegal, you will most likely get caught. Remember that movies are fiction, and thieves only get away because it furthers the plot.
- Do not go into any areas with fake weapons (Airsoft, Nerf, etc.). If you do use airsoft, make sure any gun is not loaded.
- Know what to do if you get caught. If you are sneaking in a yard belonging to someone you do not know and someone yells at you, don't panic. It is a natural instinct to freeze in panic and breathe heavily. Have a story ready or explain that you were just playing a spy game with your friends. Keeping a small ball with you can be handy. If you spot someone, a good trick is to hold up the ball and explain that it had landed in that yard.
- Don't be afraid to get dirty. Be prepared to roll through grass and dive into ditches if you need to hide quickly.
- Embrace the thrill. It's thrilling to go somewhere you do not belong just because you can, with no ill intentions. This may seem odd, but it is true to many people who take part in "Urban Adventuring." If you can't get out at night for the extreme experience, try free running.
- A fun thing to do with a (stealthy) friend is to set an objective, like getting to a cookie jar in a remote place. It should be something that can be done quietly, but perhaps not easily, such as removing an object from a container. With a friend, sneaking creates intense, exciting memories.
- Holding your breath is good to hear better, but be careful not to exhale too quickly.
- Try to stick to areas where the sound level is already somewhat loud; if the washing machine, sprinklers, TV, etc. are creating even small amounts of noise, it will help disguise the noise you make.
- Practice climbing objects on your own to get better at situations that require quick movement. Also, practice climbing objects, unreachable by yourself, with a friend.
- When spying in public look like your doing something. Its more likely you won't be noticed if you look like your busy.
- If you are wearing sneakers or any hard footwear, walk on the outside edges of your feet. This is what soldiers in combat boots do!
- Try to walk around, moving around your ankle to make sure to get any cracks out of your foot before sneaking around. Cracks can be give-away noises.
- Remember when you're outside in the dark and they are in doors with the light on looking out side they can't see you like you can them, enjoy cat walking.
- Don't bring a cell phone, iPod, or anything electronic of that nature. The light from these devices are a dead giveaway. Bringing a small video camera is okay, as long as it is small, and there are no lights that flash on it. You wouldn't want to be caught because your friend texted you.
- Bring a buddy -- two heads are better than one. Be careful who you choose. Be sure you've considered the situation before you bring a friend.
- One of the biggest problems when using stealth is dogs. If they see you, they bark. If they bark, the owner knows something is there. If he knows something is there, he will investigate. If he investigates, he could find you.
- If you need to run, stay low and land on the balls of your feet to reduce the noise.
- Never wear pure black in the woods, because pure black doesn't naturally occur, and should instead wear a dark navy blue, or a dark green.
- When working with a buddy, try to keep to hand signals and vision signals. For instance, if you are trying to get from point A to point B without being seen, use signals such as hold two fingers up to your eyes to indicate that you see someone, then hold up the amount of fingers representative of the number of people.
- Always be mindful of any shadow or reflection you might make. This could very well give you away.
- If you step down heel first then slowly move your foot down to the ground you will make no noise audible to the naked ear.
- When going through a door, inside or out, turn the knob slowly while lifting the door as much as possible. This will take the strain off the hinges and prevent the door from squeaking. Also, apply pressure with one hand to the middle of the door. The surface of a door will magnify creaking hinges, pushing firmly on it can reduce this effect.
- Never chew gum, it's too loud.
- You can crouch or crawl around. In enclosed areas try to find cover and crouch down.
- If you get caught by your parents or friends, have an excuse ready. If you get caught by the cops, be prepared to take a ride in a police cruiser.
- Bring a video camera if possible, to record your sneaking and view it later.
- You can always use dappled shadows that act as a camouflage pattern so if you are hiding try to get in the dappled shade.
- If you are approaching a person (or group of people)that are next to some light source that gives off lots of light (campfire, light post, etc.) try to stay far outside the light source,(but not too far away) because their eyes are not adjusted to the dark. This may work most of the time, but not always.
- when walking in an area where there are things that can snap or make noise on the ground, wear socks or bare feet if possible so you can feel loose obstructions and nudge them out of the way.
- Try using camouflage and some light and dark green makeup to hide your face and an army hat. If you do not own a hat color your hair.
- If you're in a house, know where all the creaky parts are on the floor. If you are not trying to get caught, try crawling to absorb the impact of the grass or whatever you pick, and they won't hear you.
- Loose and tight clothing both have benefits. Wearing loose clothing, your silhouette will appear less humanoid. Wearing tight clothing, you will be less likely to brush against people, trees, and other objects. Wool clothing is recommended.
- Go and buy some lubricant like WD-40 or something of that nature, try to buy something that doesn't spray, as this creates noise. And apply it to door hinges to diminish squeaking to a minimum. A scentless lubricant is recommended. Use something like the WD-40 pen. Not only is it scentless, but it is easy to use and easy to put away when not in use.
- For navigating hardwood floors, try staying close to the walls. The planks are less likely to creak.
- Try to wear types of clothing that won't snag on branches or twigs. Not only does it take the time to free yourself, but it will also almost certainly make some loud noise.
- If you have long hair, tie it back, so it does not get caught on anything.
- Try to make noise by throwing a small rock in a direction where they can't see you. This makes it easy for you to slip behind them.
- Remember to take jewelry off, chains make sounds.
- Caught? Tell a lie. When you lie, be specific.
- Parkour can be useful when you wish to be undetected.
- If you are following someone, never do it alone because they'll get suspicious. Do it with 2 or more people to track down someone, and for every 5 minutes or so switch people out so you'll look more like regular people.
- When following someone, blend in with the group and "simulate" being social and the human eye is known to pick up patterns and notice the odd man out. So blend in.
- Don't wear any perfume, body spray, or anything that carries a strong scent.
- If someone starts walking toward you while you're behind a tree and they're by them self, start moving to the opposite side of the tree. This way you have as much cover as possible in a type of forest area.
- Be sure you're not stepping on glass or rough surfaces.
- Remember that stalking, acting as a peeping tom, and trespassing are all illegal activities in most areas. If you are in your neighbor's property, you will get jailed and fined.
- Sneak at your own risk.
- Don't use these tips and tricks to hurt anyone.
- Don't use these to break laws, there are repercussions.
- Be prepared to face consequences if you're caught and do not have a story.
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