Act Like a Charming, Suave, Classy Lady

Want to be a little more persuasive or play up the charming lady act? This article will make you feel classy and fabulous.



  1. Understand what it is to be classy. Most people think that to be classy you have to be snobby, wear the latest fashions, and generally act like Miss Priggish. The truth is, people don't like or respect somebody who is intolerably stuck-up. Instead, most people like those who are kind, generous, and lady-like. You want to be a classy woman? Act like it!
  2. Don't let angry or bad-mouthed words escape those lips! Otherwise the populace will think that you are a hard-hearted woman and that you are coarse and unrefined. Not even the word 'sucks' should be whispered. Instead, use sophisticated language that conveys dignity and politeness.
  3. Drink only in moderation. You can allow yourself to consume a little wine or soft beer every now and then, but don't expect that means that you can go to the bar every night or have a pack of beer every week. You do know about the things that can happen if you're drunk now, do you? *wink wink*


  1. Care for your hair. Do not listen to those people who say that 100 brushes a day will keep your hair clean! Brushing actually spreads the oil throughout your hair, making it either shiny or greasy, depending on how often you wash your hair. Use a good shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Good brands are Pantene and Dove(my favorite!).
  2. Keep your hands clean and moisturized. Wash your hands before and after using the toilet and eating or preparing food. If you find that your hands are getting dry, rub a little scented hand lotion or cream into your cuticles and hands.
  3. Bathe carefully. When you bathe, be sure to get all the private parts and easy to forget places, like behind the ears and the area just behind your armpit. Use a good-smelling body-wash or soap. And sing while you're at it!


  1. Understand the role of fitness in being the charming, classy lady you want to be. You probably think want to have a nice, lean, feminine body to be classy. But even if you are out of shape, that doesn't mean you can't be charming! Rather than making it about how you look, make fitness a mindset and a lifestyle. Have a healthy meal plan and stay off the sweets!
  2. Exercise daily and take up a sport like Judo or Soccer. Play with your kids or jog around the block. Anything! Just keep moving.
  3. Eat a healthy meal every day. Don't listen to the work-fast-diet that stars use. Go s-l-o-w-l-y. Research your meal and exercise plans online to figure out what will work best for you.


  1. Cultivate your own style. Use your clothing to express yourself, especially the most charming and classy aspects of yourself. Have fun and be creative when defining your style, but make sure you always look good.
  2. Make up your own designs. Most classy women are independent and unique in their clothing decisions.
  3. Be creative. Mix things that are not usually put together, like a neon pink top with a long skirt underneath.
  4. Dress to the occasion. Wear sharp dresses with halter backs for a night out, but wear something a little more businesslike to work.


  • Use beauty websites for information about beauty products and routines.


  • Try not to be too wild in matching clothes.

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