Be the Center of Any Social Situation
This will give you instructions on how to become the center of any social situation, guaranteed!
- Develop a sense of humor. Go watch a comedy show such as Monty Python or something - whatever it takes to develop a sharp wit. Hang out with friends who can withstand and keep up the constant banter. Quick comebacks and hilarious comments on anything should become second nature.
- Be courteous to everyone around you. Even though making fun of people can attract some attention, it is not a good idea. All that goes around comes around. Instead, try to make fun of yourself with a funny story. Not only will this help people relate to you, it also gets them more interested in you and wanting to hear more.
- Have something interesting to say. Keep up on current events and make sure that you know what you are talking about. If you make a joke that's incorrect, or that is from years ago, you might not get as many laughs as you may want.
- Use gestures and speak with varying inflections. No one wants to listen to a monotonous voice. Sound interesting but not too interesting so that your friends will be suspicious or uncomfortable.
- Don't lecture. Keep the things you say interesting, funny, and not too long. You keep on yakking and you will be not be the center of attention.
- Keep a smile on your face. This will convey the whole "joking" thing to people.
- And if someone says something that hurts your feelings or something, come up with a snappy comment and act like it didn't because they will take you down if they think they have hurt you.
- DO NOT be afraid of being ignored, because sometimes you will be.
- Be prepared to receive some insults and/or criticism directed your way. It should all be taken in good fun, sometimes it's best to just laugh them off.