Add a PowerPoint to iMovie

Adding a PowerPoint project to your iMovie program is effective in adding depth to a presentation. IMovie allows you do far more with your projects in regard to effects, the addition of audio into your presentation, as well as having an overall better quality of the video arrangement. In order to import your PowerPoint presentation into iMovie, you will have to convert the file type using a converter program.


  1. Open your PowerPoint program and select the presentation you want to import into the iMovie program. Open that PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Go to "File" in the PowerPoint program's window and scroll down to select the "Make Movie" option. This will open a dialog box prompting you to save your PowerPoint presentation as a .mov file in the "Save As" field. While this dialog box is open, you will need to adjust the settings of your PowerPoint presentation file.
  3. Adjust the PowerPoint presentation's file by selecting the circle next to the "Adjust settings�" option underneath the "Save As" options within this dialog box.
  4. Click on the "Save" button to continue. After doing so, another dialog box will open allowing you to adjust the settings of your PowerPoint presentation.
  5. Select the "Quality" option form the Optimization category at the top of the Size and Quality section within the dialog box that has opened. This option will export your PowerPoint presentation at the highest quality possible in order for the resolution to be satisfactory once imported into iMovie.
  6. Click "OK" to complete the settings adjustment. The PowerPoint presentation will then export as a .mov file. However, iMovie does not import .mov files, so the file must be converted into an importable file extension such as an MPEG 4 (mp4) or a DV format.

Convert PowerPoint .mov File to MPEG 4 or DV

  1. Download the "MOV to iMovie Converter" software. This is a free download and can be found by searching for "MOV to iMovie Converter." When you click to download the software, be sure to click "Run" as opposed to "Save." This will make the program automatically run once it has downloaded.
  2. Click the "Add File" button located at the top left hand side of the MOV to iMovie window to load your PowerPoint video in the .mov format.
  3. Select an output format in which you would like the PowerPoint video to be converted to. Do so by clicking on the "Profile" drop down menu toward the bottom middle area of the MOV to iMovie Converter window. The best formats to use for importing into iMovie are MPEG 4 (this creates a smaller video file) and DV (this creates the best quality video). Both of these formats are importable through iMovie.
  4. Click on the "Convert" button located at the bottom right hand corner to convert your PowerPoint .mov file to an importable file format for iMovie.
  5. Select the "Open" button, located near the "Convert" button at the bottom right hand corner of the MOV to iMovie Converter window, and find the file you have just converted.

Import PowerPoint into iMovie

  1. Go to the "File" menu at the top of the iMovie program.
  2. Scroll down and select the "Import Movies" option. This will open a window with all of your movie files in it.
  3. Find and select your converted PowerPoint video.
  4. Click "Import." Your PowerPoint presentation is now in the iMovie program.

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