Adopt a Purebred Dog
Dogs can make wonderful companions, and getting a purebred dog may mean getting a dog with the looks and personality that you want in a 4-legged companion. There are many different ways to go about getting a purebred dog, including adopting from a shelter, adopting from a breed rescue, or working with a breeder. No matter where you decide to find your new friend, make sure you are working with a reputable organization and that you are prepared for the responsibilities that come along with having a 4-legged friend.
Finding Your Breed
- Consider what kind of purebred you want. Decide whether you want a dog that simply a non-mixed breed, or if you want a dog with verifiable champion bloodlines. If you are simply looking to get a dog with the personality traits of a specific breed, you may not need to look for a dog with a champion or otherwise prestigious bloodlines. This is generally something that matters most to people looking to take their dogs to show.
- Ask your veterinarian for recommendations on breeds with personality profiles that match what you want in a new dog.
- Evaluate your living conditions. Finding the right breed of dog depends largely upon your physical environment, as well as your lifestyle. A large, active dog might not get enough stimulation or activity in a downtown apartment with an owner who is gone 8 hours a day. Likewise, a small, nervous dog might be uncomfortable or unsafe in large spaces.
- Use online resources, breed guide books, and dog magazines to help you figure out what kind of dog is right for the amount of space you have and the activity levels you can offer.
- Ask your veterinarian or contact a breeder to learn more about what it takes to care for that particular breed of dog.
- Review the breed needs. On top of your living conditions, consider common needs for different breeds of dogs. Certain breeds, such as Pomeranians, may need more regular grooming. Many breeds are also prone to different types of medical problems. Small dogs, for example, often have hip problems while larger dogs are often prone to early arthritis.
- Consider both the monetary cost and level of commitment involved in caring for a breed's specific needs. Will you have time to brush their coat out once a week? Will you have the resources to keep them on daily medication when they get older?
- Ask a breeder or a vet about breed-specific needs. They can give you an idea of what is typically necessary to keep that breed happy and healthy throughout their life.
Finding Your Dog
- Check with breed rescues. Once you know what breed of dog is right for you, start by looking for a breed rescue. These types of rescues specialize in taking in and rehoming dogs of one specific breed. Search to see if there is a breed rescue in your area.
- Check with further away rescues if there is not a rescue for your intended breed near you. Some rescues are willing to work with people from outside their home area, provided the adopters can come in-person to pick up and safely transport the dog.
- If you decide to work with a breed rescue, ask the rescue staff for tips and instructions to help you care for your new dog. They are likely very experienced with that breed, and may be able to provide you with valuable information.
- Search local shelters. Check with your local Humane Society and other animal shelters to see if they have any dogs available from the breed you want. Shelters often have common dog breeds such as Shih Tzus, Labs, Retrievers, Beagles, Boxers, Pit Bulls, and others.
- If your shelter does not have the breed you desire, ask to be placed on their notification list. This allows them to notify you if someone brings in a dog matching the breed you want.
- Understand that shelters are not like breeders. There is no guarantee that they will get the type of dog you are looking for. Know, however, that adopting from a shelter is just as good as adopting from a breeder, and gives an abandoned dog a second chance at a happy, permanent home.
- Check online listings. There are many websites that allow owners, breeders, and rescues looking to rehome animals to post listings for adoption. Check websites such as MuttShack
- Online listings allow you to look at multiple shelters at once, and also allow you to see rehoming adds for current owners who can no longer keep their pets.
or PetFinder to look for breed-specific listings near you.
- Find a breeder. If rescue or shelter adoption is, for whatever reason, truly not feasible or acceptable, consider working with an ethical, reputable breeder. Check your breeder's background and meet with them before you adopt to ensure that you are getting a healthy puppy from a happy and well-cared-for mother.
- The breeder's facilities should be clean and all dogs should be healthy, clean, and free of parasites.
- A good breeder will screen breeding stock for common health problems before breeding and will be happy to share that information with you. Genetic testing should have been done on both parents. Ask for proof that these screening tests have been performed before you adopt.
- When you find a breeder you want, wait for a litter to become available.
- A good breeder will require a sales agreement that clearly spells out the obligations expected from all parties with respect to the dog. The breeder should also be able to suggest books, grooming equipment, pet care supplies, and more for the care of your future pet.
Adopting Your Dog
- Fill out the paperwork. Whether you are working with a rescue or a breeder, you will likely need to fill out paperwork for you to be able to take your new pet home. Once you have found the dog you want, request the adoption paperwork so that you can begin the process of bringing your new pet home.
- With a shelter or rescue, you will likely have to fill out an adoption agreement form. Using a breeder, you will probably have to agree to a certain contract specifying the breeder's obligations at the time of adoption.
- Pay the adoption fee. A rescue will have an adoption fee that covers the care for the dog while at the shelter, as well as vet fees such as spaying or neutering, deworming, vaccines, and any other care. Breeders most often sell their puppies for a profit rather than charging a rehoming fee.
- Adoption fees will vary greatly depending upon where you live, the shelter, and what kind of care the dog has received. Many people pay between $75 and $300 to adopt a dog from a shelter.
- Breeders set their prices at their discretion, and thus they can vary greatly. However, adopting from a breeder is almost always more expensive than adopting from a shelter, and quality breeders often charge multiple thousands of dollars for their puppies.
- Prepare your home. Before you bring your new dog home, make sure your house is ready to handle your new pet. This means securing all areas you don't want the dog to access, moving any potentially dangerous objects or products, such as household cleaners, to an area the dog cannot reach, and ensuring your house is stocked with necessary dog care items including:
- Age-appropriate dog food
- Food and water dishes
- A collar or harness
- A leash
- ID tags for your new pet
- A crate or carrier
- A dog bed
- Dog toys
- Preventative medicines such as heartworm prevention and flea and tick prevention
- Weather-appropriate wear such as a jacket or boots if you live in a cold climate
- Find a vet. Your adoption paperwork will likely require you have a vet picked out before you ever adopt the dog, but even if it doesn't it is a good idea to find a vet who is taking new patients before you adopt. This way, you know from the second you bring your new dog home that you are prepared.
- Call around or search online to see if there is a vet in your area with experience caring for your new breed of dog.
- When you find a ve you like, ask them, “I am adopting a dog and I am calling to see if you are taking on new patients right now?” If they are, ask to be added to their new patient list and get an appointment scheduled to bring your new pet in quickly after adoption.
Caring For Your Dog
- Bring your dog home. Once you get the approval of your shelter or your breeder, bring your dog home. Take the day off, if necessary, and spend it at home with your new companion. Use that first day home to allow the pet to get to know you and familiarize itself with its new surroundings.
- If you are adopting from a breeder, look to pick up your new puppy at or after 8 weeks of age. Puppies separated from their mother before this may be fearful or could have some developmental complications.
- In some places, it is illegal to sell puppies prior to 8 weeks of age.
- Get your dog into the vet as soon as possible after adopting. This will allow your vet to meet your new pet, and make recommendations for care based off the dog's current condition as well as likely future needs.
- Register your pet. If you want your dog to have purebred papers, you will need to register them. Do some research on the various kennel clubs that exist in your area. Find out how they register dogs and set guidelines for dog breeds. Make sure you have any necessary paperwork before you attempt to register.
- Some kennel clubs, such as the Register a Dog with the AKC, are controversial for their rigid and over-controlling restrictions on both dogs and their owners, so remember to shop around to find what's right for you.
- Enroll in an obedience school with positive training methods. Ask your vet, breeder, or rescue to suggest a facility or trainer that uses positive training methods. Look for programs catering to your pet's special needs, such as puppy training or rescued pet training. Enroll in a class early to not only help your pet learn good behavior, but to allow the two of you to bond.
- Remember that successful training takes consistency. Practice your training behaviors at home in between classes for lasting results.
- Spend time with your dog. Once you bring your new dog home, it is important to take time every day to ensure that they are getting enough food, water, activity, and socialization. Set aside time every day to care for and play with your new dog so that you can build a loving environment it will feel safe in for the rest of its life.
- If you live with other people, rotate responsibilities such as walking the dog so that they can get comfortable with all members of the household.
- Understand that adopting a dog is a long-term commitment that takes care and work every day. Do not adopt if you do not think you can properly provide for your new pet for what could be upwards of 20 years.
- Take a couple days off from work to spend with your new dog, if possible. This time will help the two of you bond and help the pet acclimate to their new home.
- Be patient with your new pet. Dogs are often uneasy when they first come to a new home. Give them a few weeks to adjust, and take them to the vet immediately if you think they have any severe problems.
- Make sure each member of your household has the chance to meet the dog before you adopt. You want to ensure that the dog will be able to interact well with everyone, and also ensure that no one has any allergies to your new pet.
- Visit multiple shelters/breeders to compare the prices. In addition, always research the breeder/shelter to see if they are reputable.
- Disreputable breeders may try to sell dogs with potential or known congenital diseases, or may bring puppies in from other litters and claim a champion bloodline. Carefully review your breeder before adopting.
- Do not buy your dog from a pet store. Most pet stores get their dogs from puppy mills, an abusive industry that often leads to mistreatment of breeding mothers and puppies with short lifespans and birth defects.
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