Care for a Pug
We all love those smooshy little faces, but before you buy one on impulse you need to make sure that you are able to care for such a special dog. You'll be informed on health issues, pro's and con's, tips, warnings, breed standards, and much much more!
- Consider the different breed standards by AKC
- Toy Group
- General Appearance
- See the symmetry and general appearance. Symmetry and general appearance are decidedly square and Cobby. A lean, leggy Pug and a dog with short legs and a long body are equally objectionable.
- Size, Proportion, Substance
- The Pug should be multum in parvo, and this condensation (if the word may be used) is shown by compactness of form, well knit proportions, and hardness of developed muscle. Weight from 14 to 18 pounds (dog or bitch) desirable. Proportion square.
- Head
- The head is large, massive, round–not apple-headed, with no indentation of the skull. The eyes are dark in color, very large, bold and prominent, globular in shape, soft and solicitous in expression, very lustrous, and, when excited, full of fire. The ears are thin, small, soft, like black velvet. There are two kinds–the "rose" and the "button." Preference is given to the latter. The wrinkles are large and deep. The muzzle is short, blunt, square, but not upfaced. Bite-A Pug's bite should be very slightly undershot.
- Neck, Topline, Body
- The neck is slightly arched. It is strong, thick, and with enough length to carry the head proudly. The short back is level from the withers to the high tail set. The body is short and cobby, wide in chest and well ribbed up. The tail is curled as tightly as possible over the hip. The double curl is perfection.
- Forequarters
- The legs are very strong, straight, of moderate length, and are set well under. The elbows should be directly under the withers when viewed from the side. The shoulders are moderately laid back. The pasterns are strong, neither steep nor down. The feet are neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of the cat; well split-up toes, and the nails black. Dewclaws are generally removed.
- Hindquarters
- The strong, powerful hindquarters have moderate bend of stifle and short hocks perpendicular to the ground. The legs are parallel when viewed from behind. The hindquarters are in balance with the forequarters. The thighs and buttocks are full and muscular. Feet as in front.
- Coat
- The coat is fine, smooth, soft, short and glossy, neither hard nor woolly.
- Color
- The colors are fawn or black. "Apricot" and "silver" are variations of the fawn coloring, appearing more amber- and white-tinted, respectively. It is preferred that the fawn color should be decided so as to make the contrast complete between the color and the trace and mask.
- Markings
- The markings are clearly defined. The muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks, thumb mark or diamond on forehead, and the back trace should be as black as possible. The mask should be black. The more intense and well defined it is, the better. The trace is a black line extending from the occiput to the tail.
- Gait
- Viewed from the front, the forelegs should be carried well forward, showing no weakness in the pasterns, the paws landing squarely with the central toes straight ahead. The rear action should be strong and free through hocks and stifles, with no twisting or turning in or out at the joints. The hind legs should follow in line with the front. There is a slight natural convergence of the limbs both fore and aft. A slight roll of the hindquarters typifies the gait which should be free, self-assured, and jaunty.
- Temperament
- This is an even-tempered breed, exhibiting stability, playfulness, great charm, dignity, and an outgoing, loving disposition.
- DISQUALIFICATION: Any color other than fawn or black.
- Consider the pro's and con's of pugs.
- Pro's
- Very loving
- Lap dogs
- Easy training
- Easily amused
- Con's
- Teething Is lengthy.
- Needs ear, eye,skin,fold, and nail maintenance regularly.
- Can't tolerate too much hot weather.
- Have energy sprees
- Shed a lot.
- Pro's
- Clean Pug’s wrinkles once a week
Your Pug’s cute looking, adorable wrinkles requires special care, as it may be home for different crud including hair, food, tears etc. These particles can become infectious, therefore, gentle cleaning once a week keeps your dog free from any infection. You can follow below mentioned easy method to clean you Pug’s wrinkles:
Required Items:- Baby wipes
- Washcloth
- Petroleum jelly
- Cotton swabs
- Dog treats
- Tips to clean wrinkles:
- Purchase medicated wipes for cleaning out your pug's wrinkles. In addition to this, you can keep the wrinkles clean using household toiletries.
- Fill a cup or bowl with lukewarm water and dip the end of a cotton swab in it.
- Place your thumb and forefinger on each side of your pug’s facial fold and gently open it.
- Slowly and carefully run the moist tip of cotton swab through the folds of wrinkle to wipe out the grime and dirt. Be gentle, as the skin inside pug's facial folds is quite sensitive.
- Once you completely clean the folds, use a cotton swab to spread a bit of petroleum jelly inside the wrinkle folds in order to keep the skin protected.
- Give your pug treats during the cleaning process so he associates cleaning his wrinkles with tasty rewards.
- Don't leave a puppy by itself. Pugs are curious creatures. There is no telling what they might get into.
- Have fun!
- Never buy a pug that is black with brown striping on it(with or without a white chest, toes, etc.) if you want a "pure breed". This is what amateur breeders call "Brindle Pugs". While it may seem like a "rare" color for a Pug, it's actually just the result of cross-breeding a Pug with another breed of dog(one that can have a brindle coat coloration naturally within it's breed) entirely, & is therefore not a Pug, but a mutt. Brindle is not a natural Pug color at all, and can not occur naturally between two Pugs, ever. Buying one of these is like paying more for less, & is not advised by most reputable breeders and Pug enthusiasts.
- Due to their short muzzles, pugs sometimes breathe loudly, snort, and snore. If they are bred improperly they can have more serious breathing issues.
- Pugs are prone to heat strokes if the weather is hot enough, so be sure to never keep them out in the heat on an especially sunny day.
- This breed cannot stand to be alone. They are companion dogs. Many people refer to their pet Pugs as their "shadow"!
- Improper breeding can easily result in poor health, so be sure to do your research & buy from an experienced, reputable breeder, ensuring a happy Pug pup and avoiding unnecessary & costly visits to the vet.
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