Air Dry Parsley

Drying herbs is an excellent way to preserve them once they have stopped growing for the season. Dried parsley can add an extra sizzle to your dish in terms of color and flavor. Air drying is both cost effective and easy. Follow these steps to learn how to air dry parsley.


  1. Harvest parsley right before the first buds open. Harvest the herb early in the morning, but after the dew has evaporated, to help prevent wilting. To harvest, collect the leaves and stalks together, then use a sharp knife to cut them off. If you do not have your own herb garden, many grocery stores carry a selection of fresh herbs, including parsley.
  2. Wash the parsley. Shake the leaves lightly to remove any extra water from the rinsing process. Pat it dry carefully to avoid causing damage to the leaves.
  3. Look for any damaged leaves, and remove them.
  4. Gather the parsley into small bundles, and tie them together using a small piece of string.
  5. Hang the bundles upside down in a well-ventilated, warm area to dry them.
  6. Check the herbs from time to time to see if they are dry enough to be stored. If the parsley crinkles between your fingers, then it is ready. If it does not, it will need more time. The time spent drying parsley will vary based on the humidity and temperature of the room where it is being dried.
  7. Remove the dried parsley leaves from the stem carefully to prepare them for storage.
  8. Store the dried parsley in an air-tight container until ready for use.


  • Though drying parsley leaves can be done outside, better results are usually seen when the parsley is dried inside. When dried indoors, you will get a better color and better flavor.
  • Once you know how to air dry parsley, you can try other air-dried herbs such as thyme, rosemary, sage, and summer savory.
  • Dried herbs are generally 3 to 4 times stronger than fresh herbs, because as they dry, their flavor becomes more concentrated. When using these herbs in a recipe, make sure you pay attention to whether it calls for fresh or dried. If it calls for fresh, reduce the amount of dried you use by at least 1/4. If the herbs seem strong, reduce the amount by 1/3.


  • Drying parsley leaves in direct sunlight will cause the herbs to lose a lot of flavor and color. If you decide to dry the parsley outdoors, do your best to keep it out of the sun.
  • More tender-leaved herbs, such as basil, mint, oregano, and tarragon will not be as easy as drying parsley. These herbs are at an increased risk for mold if they are not dried quickly and are best suited for drying with a dehydrator. They can, however, be air dried in small quantities, if dried inside a paper bag with holes for ventilation. The bigger the bundle, the greater chance of mold.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh parsley
  • Knife
  • Water
  • Cloth
  • String

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