Appear Normal In Front of Your Enemy or Competitor

Do you find it really difficult to appear normal and unaffected whenever your enemy appears? How many times have you made a fool of yourself publicly by behaving abnormally or viciously in front of your enemy or competitor? Here are some easy to follow steps to remain cool as a cucumber - even when the most hated person on your list pops up in front of you.


  1. As soon as you see the enemy, start counting from one to ten under your breath to ease any anger, tension or frustration caused by seeing him or her. You may not have anger, but do this anyway!
  2. Think of a situation in the past, where your competitor did something embarrassing. Having the person in mind as he/she behaved in this situation helps you to feel superior to him/her.
  3. Flash your best and widest smile. A smile baffles the enemy further because they wonder why you are smiling at them.
  4. If possible, go to the enemy, and shake hands with them, inquiring very confidently about their health, life and work.
  5. Shower them with some praise about their appearance or any other trait you dislike most, making the trait appear to be their best point.
  6. Be as sweet as possible in extending any sort of help, advice, guidance or support you are capable of offering them.
  7. Don't repeat this whenever you see your enemy, sometimes just ignore him/her, that's to avoid being turned into a joke, especially if the enemy is amongst friends.
  8. Bid them good-bye, leaving them flabbergasted and shocked by your behavior.


  • Don't spend a lot of time with the contact. Your impatience may get the better of your good sense.
  • Don't go crazy with the flattering. It will make you look foolish.
  • Kill them with kindness.
  • Don't stoop to their level.
  • Just carry on being awesome and you'll be fine!
  • Don't smile so much that the sides of your mouth crack up and your true devilish self becomes obvious.
  • Be light and be yourself.
  • Subtlety is the key here. Be very subtle in showering praises on them. Too much praise may appear to be an insult.


  • Don't be fooled by their sweet response to you. Remember, they may be putting up the same pretense as you are.
  • Observe the reactions of the enemy to your changed behavior.
  • If the enemy doesn't appear to be very keen on listening to you, it is advisable to leave without uttering another word.
  • If flattered too much, they may mistake it as flirting.

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