Apply Diatomaceous Earth to Carpet

Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural product made from tiny fossilized water plants called diatoms. These plant particles have razor-sharp edges that cut through an insect's protective covering and dehydrate them, potentially killing the insect.[1] These powdered fossils are a natural pesticide used mostly for bedbugs, but are potentially effective against any carpet pests. Because it tends to work slowly and sometimes unpredictably, it's best to follow other pest control practices at the same time, such as thorough cleaning and humidity control.


Preparing Your Materials

  1. Use pest grade or food grade diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth (DE) comes in two forms. Most DE sold as a pest control treatment or labeled "food-grade" is safe for home use and not linked to serious health issues.[2] Never use pool grade or industrial grade DE in your home, since these forms can (eventually) cause permanent respiratory problems.[3]
    • All DE products are actually a mix of the "safe" and "unsafe" types. Food grade DE still has a small amount of "unsafe" DE, and is still dangerous if inhaled in large quantities.
    • DE sold for pest control has to meet specific safety standards and list safe instructions on the label (at least in the US), so this is usually the best choice. Food grade DE may not have a detailed safety label, since it is not intended to be used in pure, dry form, but it is similar to pest-grade DE and the risk of harm is low with the precautions below.[4]
  2. Follow safety instructions. Since food-grade DE is meant to be stirred into food and eaten, some people assume it is completely safe. However, the concentrated, dry powder can seriously irritate the lungs, eyes, and skin. Review these safety precautions before you begin:[4]
    • Always wear a dust mask at minimum, since inhalation is the main danger. A respirator mask is much better, especially if you plan to use DE many times.[5]
    • Wear gloves, eye protection, long sleeves, and long trousers.
    • Keep children and pets away from the carpet while the diatomaceous earth is there.
    • Consider testing a small area first, following the instructions below. Assuming there are no negative reactions from you our your household members, repeat on the rest of the carpet.
  3. Choose a dusting tool. Professional pest controls use special dusters to put down a fine, even layer of dust, but these can be hard for consumers to find.[6] You can use a feather duster, paint brush, or flour sifter instead. Spoon (don't pour) the DE onto the dusting tool slowly, to avoid a cloud of dust.[7]
    • Squeeze bottles or bellows are not recommended, since they cause too much drifting.[1]

Applying Diatomaceous Earth

  1. Dust a fine layer onto carpet edges. Carefully apply an even, barely visible layer of dust around the perimeter of the carpet. The insects need to crawl across the dust for it to injure them, and they're more likely to avoid piles or thick layers of dust.[8] Thick layers of DE are also more likely to get kicked up into the air and irritate lungs or eyes.
    • Carpets are usually only treated on the edges so human activity doesn't kick the dust into the air (where it's more likely to make you cough than kill insects). If the carpet is in a side room, you might be able to dust a larger area and stay out of the room for a few days.
  2. Dust around furniture legs. Diatomaceous earth is not intended for use on upholstery or mattresses, where it can irritate human skin. However, a thin layer around the legs of furniture will affect any insects that crawl up onto the bed or couch.[7]
    • This won't stop the insects from reaching the furniture, but it will expose them to DE on the way and (hopefully) kill them a few days later.
  3. Keep humidity down. Diatomaceous earth is more effective in dry environments.[1] Use-a-Dehumidifier in the room if you have one. A cross-breeze can also help, but avoid pointing fans where they could blow away the powder.
  4. Leave in the carpet as long as needed. As long as you aren't kicking up dust or coughing (which shouldn't happen with proper application), there's no need to remove the diatomaceous earth. It remains effective as long as it stays dry, and often takes a week or more to start killing insects. Since the insects may have laid eggs by then, leaving on the diatomaceous earth for several weeks will help prevent a rebound.
  5. Use other pest control methods at the same time. It's hard to predict how effective the DE treatment will be. An insect population in one neighborhood may even be more resistant than the same insect species somewhere else. Instead of waiting to see how it goes, attack the insects with multiple treatments at once. Find out about more treatments for Get-Rid-of-Bed-Bugs, Get-Rid-of-Roaches, Get-Rid-of-Carpet-Beetles, or Get-Rid-of-Fleas-in-Carpets.
  6. Remove the DE with a filterless vacuum. Diatomaceous earth is very hard and can quickly ruin a normal vacuum's filter. A normal vacuum might be fine for a single, light application, but a filterless vacuum or a shop vac are better choices if you plan to apply the DE multiple times.[9]
    • There is no hurry to remove DE from your carpet unless you applied too much (leaving visible piles of dust). Just keep the proper tools in mind so you don't damage your normal vacuum cleaner during regular carpet cleaning.
  7. Consider leaving DE under the carpet edges. As long as DE stays dry, it can remain effective for months or even years.[6] If you can lift your carpet, consider leaving a thin layer of DE underneath the edges, where it won't get kicked up.
    • It's best not to leave DE out in households with pets or young kids.


  • The effect of diatomaceous earth can be a little unpredictable. If your first attempt doesn't work, it might be worth trying a different brand, or a type of synthetic powder called a silica aerogel.[1]


  • The pest control and food grade forms of Diatomaceous Earth is not the same that is used for charcoal filters or swimming pool filters. Though they are made from the same mineral compound, pool grade DE should not ever be used for pest control.
  • Even food-grade DE irritates the lungs when inhaled. Although unlikely to cause long-term damage, it does contain small amounts of crystalline silicone dioxide, which has been linked to silicosis and other respiratory problems.[3]

Things You'll Need

  • Professional pesticide dusting tool, feather duster, or flour sifter
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Respirator or dust mask
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Vaccum (ideally a shop vac or filterless vacuum)

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