Apply Eyeliner to Small Round Eyes

Eyeliner is used to help make the eyes stand out, and look bigger or different shapes. There are many tricks with eyeliner.


  1. Line the lower lash line with black/brown/other colours, but don't line the inside rim of the eye because this makes it look smaller. Keep close to the lashes and apply more to the outer part of the lash line than the rest of it. If you are going to line the inside rim, use a white eyeliner as this gives a nice effect.
  2. Use liquid eyeliner or pencil eyeliner on the upper lid of the eye to help change the eye's shape. Use liquid eyeliner for a more bold effect and pencil for a more smudgy, sketchy, toned down look. Line all the way across the last line, getting thicker towards the outer part. Adding 'wings' (flicks that flick diagonally upwards) can help elongate the eye.
  3. A tiny dot of red (lipstick can be used or red eyeliner if you can find it) in the corner of the eye can help make the eye look wider.
  4. Don't join your upper lid eyeliner and your lower lid eyeliner. This gives a closed in effect which makes the eye look even smaller.
  5. Finished.


  • Using mascara and eyeliner will give best results for widening the eye. Neutral eye shadows on the eye lids make the eye look more open. White eye shadow in the rim of the eye works really well.
  • Often eyes look bigger if eyeliner is left out. Applying mascara to the upper AND lower lashes can often give a much better effect than eyeliner.

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