Appreciate a Loved One
Sometimes the ones you care most for are the ones you neglect the most. It's easy to forget about the feelings and aspirations of those closest to you as you move around them daily and sometimes take them for granted. Appreciation of their presence in your life is always something worth stopping for, to take the time to reflect over and will rejuvenate the strength of your relationships.
- Ask yourself a key question: "What did I learn about this person today?" If you have a hard time answering that, then it's time for step two.
- Ask questions. It's easy to fall prey to complacency. Remember that this person is just as complicated as you are. Find out more about your loved one. You may be surprised at all the things you still have to learn 5, 10, 15, 30 years into knowing this person.
- Listen. Really listen. Then ask more questions. Become interested in what that person has to say. Don't just listen to what they say and then turn it around to be about you.
- Do something different. Familiarity breeds contempt, they say. Get out of the house once in a while. Go somewhere, do something you have never done with that person.
- Open up your heart. Telling someone an inner wish or dream creates new bonds and strengthens old ones.
- Realize that a hug never hurts. Be free with the hugs and they will come back to you tenfold.
- Do something nice for them whenever you can. Stop off at the store and buy them their favorite ice cream. Send them a letter or a postcard. Call them up just to wish them well. These things do not go unnoticed.
- Clean up after yourself. Leaving a mess for your loved one to take care of is not only rude and insensitive, but it's just bad manners. They will appreciate you more if you appreciate them.
- Tell them what you think about them. Most of us respect our loved ones and what they are doing with their lives. But how often do we tell them? It's not so hard to say, "I really think what you are doing is remarkable." Or, "You have incredible courage to do what you are doing." It feels good to be open with those you love.
- Though it's wonderful to be honest with a loved one, it is possible to be too honest. Know the boundaries. Do not criticize someone maliciously ever.
- Don't convince yourself that this exercise isn't worthwhile. It is - you'll be doing yourself and your loved ones a disservice by not believing.
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