Ask Someone for a Recommendation on LinkedIn

If you’re using LinkedIn to explore job opportunities, few features are as useful or as coveted as the personal recommendation. Recommendations essentially function as brief letters of reference, visible to anyone who views your profile on the site. Racking up glowing recommendations can make all the difference in getting noticed by a potential employer, but they won’t just materialize on their own—most of the time, you’ll have to ask for them. Fortunately, LinkedIn’s tools make this simple. Just fill out the recommendation request form, specify a user to send it to and await their response.


Requesting a Recommendation

  1. Find the profile of the user you want a recommendation from. Once you’ve pulled up the user’s profile, look for the “... More” icon at the top of the page to the right of their photo. From here, you’ll be shown a list of options for how you can interact with that user.[1]
    • You can also request recommendations by accessing the “Manage Recommendations” page directly from your user profile.[2]
    • The more connections and accomplishments the person recommending you has, the more force their endorsement will have.
  2. Select the option to “request a recommendation.” Clicking this link will take you to a separate page where you can input the specific details that you want to include in the request. LinkedIn’s updated controls make it easier than ever to manage your interactions with other users without the need to click back and forth between multiple pages.[3]
    • As a basic courtesy, it may be a good idea to send the person a private message first (through email or via LinkedIn’s built-in messaging feature) to ask if it’s okay to request a recommendation from them.[4]
    • You can still receive recommendations from other users without first requesting them. Unsolicited recommendations are indistinguishable from requested ones on your profile.
  3. Fill out the request form. Here you’ll be prompted to provide a few key points of information, including your relationship to the user and what job, skill or qualification in particular you’re asking to be recommended for. The site allows you to type your own responses, so feel free to get as specific as you please.[4]
    • Write out a personalized message to accompany your request rather than settling for the generic one LinkedIn generates automatically. This will come across as more genuine and show that you’re putting effort into your end of the transaction.[5]
    • Completing the recommendation request only takes a few minutes, but may prove indispensable for drawing the right eyes to your profile.
  4. Send off the recommendation request. After you send the request, the user will be notified and given a choice of how they can respond. Be sure to check back periodically to see if any new recommendations have been posted.[6]
    • Double check to make sure the information you’ve given is correct, accurate and free of mistakes before sending it.
    • Pending requests won’t be displayed on your “Manage Recommendations” page until they’ve been fulfilled.

Getting Quality Recommendations

  1. Ask for recommendations from people you know. Not only are friends and colleagues more likely to grant your request, they’ll also have more to say because they’re acquainted with you personally. This will give their comments added weight and make the testimony more meaningful.[4]
    • Recommendations that come from people you don’t know very well will generally be vaguely worded and therefore less effective for singling you out as the best person for the job.
  2. Make your requests specific. Be as clear as you can about the nature of the request and what it should mention. It can be tough to come up with a written recommendation from scratch, so don’t be afraid to give the person a few suggestions for successes to include. Spotlight a certain project you knocked out of the park, or remind them of a commission that they were particularly satisfied with.[5]
    • If you’re an experienced marketing agent, for instance, you might ask for a recommendation relating to your ability to build impressive portfolios or adhere to a strict deadline.
    • To make it easier for the other user, consider typing up a rough draft of a basic recommendation and inviting them to make revisions as they see fit.[3]
  3. Use recommendations to advertise your skillset. Your recommendations don’t have to deal exclusively with positions you’ve moved on from. They can also point the unique personal characteristics and capabilities you exhibit in the workplace. Together, these references will paint a more comprehensive picture of who you are as a professional.[7]
    • A dog groomer, for example, might be commended for their ability to comfort their clients while putting their owners at ease.
    • Because of the time and effort involved, recommendations tend to look better than endorsements, which can be left with the touch of a button.[3]
  4. Time your requests wisely. The best time to ask for a recommendation is right after wrapping up a contract or making a good impression at a networking event. That way, your good deeds will still be fresh on the person’s mind. As soon as you get home, follow up with a short message to let the person know how much you enjoy meeting or working with them, then ask directly whether they would be willing to leave a recommendation on your profile.[3]
    • If it’s been awhile since you last contacted the person you’re requesting a recommendation from, take a minute to fill them in on what you’ve been doing in the meantime so the request doesn’t catch them off guard.
    • The recommendations you receive are timestamped as they’re posted, so a keen observer will be able to tell if you’re batching your requests impersonally.[5]

Following Up Your Recommendations

  1. Thank the person for the recommendation. Just as you would for any other personal favor, it’s polite to formally express your appreciation for a shining review with a direct message. Email your contact outside of the site to let them know how much it means to you to have earned their praises. Conclude by offering a way for them to keep in touch for future opportunities.[4]
    • If you really want to go the extra mile, send a handwritten letter instead.[6]
    • Showing gratitude will also endear you to your associates, making them more likely to want to work with you again or pass your name along to other interested parties.[8]
  2. Check on the status of your recommendations through your profile. LinkedIn’s web designers have recently made it easier to keep tabs on your incoming and outgoing requests. Visit the “Manage Recommendations” hub in your user profile to see everything laid out in one convenient place. When you receive new recommendations, they’ll appear in a list on this page.[9]
    • Review your recommendations as they’re posted and select the best ones to headline your profile.
    • You can also do things like change the order of your endorsements, which will allow prospective employers to see your most valuable skills right away.[10]
  3. Keep an eye on your user stats. Use the tools LinkedIn makes available to its users to meticulously maintain your profile and promote your individual brand. As you gain more experience in your field, the distinctions you accumulate will begin to speak for themselves. This will ultimately lead to more recognition, more connections and more opportunities.[10]
    • A strong profile is one that features a diversity of recommendations from reputable users.
    • Continue adding endorsements over time to show the ways that your career has developed throughout the years.


  • Customize the layout of your profile to make your best recommendations more visible.
  • It’s possible to request recommendations from up to three connections at once, which can be useful following a big event or group project.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your teammates for personalized recommendations in addition to clients and supervisors.

Sources and Citations