Attach a Clasp to a Cord Choker

When making a necklace or bracelet from a cord, getting a nice finish can often be tricky. This article will show you how to use a cord crimp to give your jewelry a professional looking finish.


  1. Align the cord crimp with the end of the cord. Make sure you trim the cord to the correct length before you begin.
  2. Use pliers to secure the end of the cord in a cord crimp. Choose jeweler's pliers with flat (not knurled) points or cover the ends so that you don't make a pattern of little dents.
  3. Check that it is securely fastened.
  4. Place another crimp on the opposite end of the cord just as you did the first one.
  5. Attach the clasp. There are many types of clasps available. Some have two parts of which one part must be attached to each cord crimp, while others are just a simple clasp which you attach to one cord crimp and then fasten to a jump ring attached to the other cord crimp.
  6. Put your jewelry on and you're done!


  • A channel cord crimp is shown but there are various types of cord crimps. Use whichever you like or can easily obtain.
  • Ensure that your cord crimps are secure. Otherwise your jewelry may fall apart.

Things You'll Need

  • Cord crimps
  • Clasp
  • Pliers

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